求带特殊名字的好武器啊...我开锁 SMGUN SNEAK 都100了...找不到好武器
list of all 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
They add to your stats and skills. Basically, the Bobbleheads of the 7
Primary Stats (Strength, Perception, etc.) give you one more point to those
stats. The Bobbleheads of the 13 Skills add 10% to each skill.
1. Energy Weapons
Zone: 1.01
Lat/Lon: -28/28
Location: Raven Rock
Specifics: Raven Rock Level 2, colonel Autumn's quarters, on table
2. Big Guns
Zone: 1.04
Lat/Lon: -17/26
Location: Fort Constantine
Specifics: CO quarters, inside open safe
3. Endurance
Zone: 1.07
Lat/Lon: -22/20
Location: Deathclaw Sanctuary
Specifics: Deathclaw Sanctuary, initial chamber, next to corpse pile
4. Explosives
Zone: 1.11
Lat/Lon: -17/18
Location: WKML Broadcast Station
Specifics: Sealed Cistern, next to ham radio
5. Speech
Zone: 2.08
Lat/Lon: -09/16
Location: Paradise Falls
Specifics: Eulogy's Pad, on table
6. Perception
Zone: 3.03
Lat/Lon: 19/27
Location: The Republic of Dave
Specifics: Museum of Dave, bookcase
7. Agility
Zone: 3.06
Lat/Lon: 07/21
Location: Greener Pastures Disposal Site
Specifics: Office, on table
8. Repair
Zone: 5.07
Lat/Lon: -11/06
Location: Arefu
Specifics: Evan King's House, on table
9. Science
Zone: 5.12
Lat/Lon: -09/01
Location: Vault 106
Specifics: Vault 106 living quarters, medical bay eastern wall, on shelves
10. Charisma
Zone: 6.06
Lat/Lon: 18/06
Location: Vault 108
Specifics: Vault 108 Cloning Lab, on table
11. Lockpick
Zone: 6.07
Lat/Lon: 05/03
Location: Bethesda Ruins
Specifics: Bethesda Offices East, top floor, on desk in central room
12. Small Guns
Zone: 6.11
Lat/Lon: 18/-03
Location: National Guard Depot
Specifics: National Guard Armory, shelf in equipment storage
13. Sneak
Zone: 7.01
Lat/Lon: -28/-04
Location: Yoo Guai Tunnel
Specifics: Yoo Guai Den, on metal crate, eastern area of central cavern.
14. Barter
Zone: 7.04
Lat/Lon: -18/-07
Location: Evergreen Mills
Specifics: Bazaar, Jack's northeast alcove; top right shelf behind the Work
15. Melee Weapons
Zone: 7.11
Lat/Lon: -26/-18
Location: Dunwich Building
Specifics: Virulent Underchambers, mall maintenance room
16. Unarmed
Zone: 7.C
Lat/Lon: -26/-07
Location: Rockopolis
Specifics: Rockopolis, next to Argyle's body
17. Medicine
Zone: 8.01
Lat/Lon: -04/-04
Location: Vault 101
Specifics: Vault 101, Dad's clinic table
18. Strength
Zone: 8.03
Lat/Lon: -01/-06
Location: Megaton
Specifics: Lucas Simms' house, sheriff's bedroom on table
19. Intelligence
Zone: 9.15
Lat/Lon: 18/-17
Location: Rivet City
Specifics: Science Lab, on table
20. Luck
Zone: 16.03
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Arlington House
Specifics: Arlington house, cellar shelves
list of all 23 schematics to create the seven custom weapons.
Basically, the more components you have when making a weapon, the stronger
they'll become.
1. #1 Rock-It Launcher
Zone: 0.00
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
Specifics: Sold by Crazy Wolfgang
2. #1 Nuka Grenade
Zone: 0.00
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
Specifics: Sold by Doc Hoff
3. #1 Shishkebab
Zone: 0.00
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan
Specifics: Sold by Lucky Harith
4. #1 Deathclaw Gauntlet
Zone: 0.13
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Mini-Encounter: Wounded Deathclaw
Specifics: On wounded Wastelander
5. #1 Dart Gun
Zone: 1.02
Lat/Lon: -27/25
Location: MDPL-05 Power Station
Specifics: On ground, near skeleton
6. #2 Shishkebab
Zone: 1.B
Lat/Lon: -14/25
Location: Brotherhood Outcast Shack
Specifics: On a table, near a Work Bench, close to SatCom Array NN-03d
7. #1 Railway Rifle
Zone: 2.09
Lat/Lon: 02/17
Location: MDPL-13 Power Station
Specifics: Inside, on Work Bench
8. #2 Dart Gun
Zone: 3.10
Lat/Lon: 13/15
Location: Temple of the Union
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Head of State. Possible reward (usually given
at 17.01 Lincoln Memorial)
9. #1 Bottlecap Mine
Zone: 4.08
Lat/Lon: -26/02
Location: Little Lamplight
Specifics: Sold by Knick Knock
10. #3 Shichkebab
Zone: 5.05
Lat/Lon: -01/07
Location: Meresti Trainyard
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Blood Ties. Possible reward
11. #2 Nuka Grenade
Zone: 7.05
Lat/Lon: -26/-11
Location: Girdershade
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: The Nuka-Cola Challenge. Possible reward
12. #2 Bottlecap Mine
Zone: 7.07
Lat/Lon: -22/-12
Location: Jocko's Pop & Gas Stop
Specifics: On the Work Bench, inside the shack
13. #2 Deathclaw Gauntlet
Zone: 7.09
Lat/Lon: -27/-15
Location: F. Scott Key Trail & Campground
Specifics: In the caravan, in the picnic area
14. #3 Dart Gun
Zone: 7.14
Lat/Lon: -16/-17
Location: Tenpenny Tower
Specifics: Sold by Lydia Montenegro
15. #3 Bottlecap Mine
Zone: 7.14
Lat/Lon: -16/-17
Location: Tenpenny Tower
Specifics: Freeform Quest: A Manhandled Manservant. Inside Dashwood's Safe
16. #2 Rock-It Launcher
Zone: 8.01
Lat/Lon: -04/-04
Location: Vault 101
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Trouble on the Homefront. Behind your
mother's favorite Bible verse plaque [Average].
17. #3 Rock-It Launcher
Zone: 8.03
Lat/Lon: -01/-06
Location: Megaton
Specifics: Craterside Supplies, sold by Moira Brown
18. #4 Bottlecap Mine
Zone: 8.03
Lat/Lon: -01/-06
Location: Megaton
Specifics: Craterside Supplies, awarded by Moira Brown. Miscellaneous Quest:
The Wasteland Survival Guide
19. #3 Nuka Grenade
Zone: 8.06
Lat/Lon: -10/-17
Location: Cliffside Cavern
Specifics: Hidden inside the Yoo Guai Cave, follow the left wall, drop down,
and look for the rock surrounded by skeletons
20. #4 Rock-It Launcher
Zone: 9.15
Lat/Lon: 18/-17
Location: Rivet City
Specifics: In the bridge tower third-floor armory [Very Hard]
21. #3 Deathclaw Gauntlet
Zone: 9.15
Lat/Lon: 18/-17
Location: Rivet City
Specifics: Freeform Quest: Council Seat. Possible reward (from Bannon)
22. #2 Railway Rifle
Zone: 9.15
Lat/Lon: 18/-17
Location: Rivet City
Specifics: Miscellaneous Quest: Stealing Independance. Possible reward
(from Abraham Washington)
23. #3 Railway Rifle
Zone: 17.07
Lat/Lon: N/A
Location: Museum of History Entrance
Specifics: Underworld Outfitters, sold by Tulip
到了后面stimpack多的用不完,加上你经济不成问题医生那里都是20个stimpack这样卖,所以medicine到60就够了,够解开所有medicine有关的perk,比较有用的是chem resistant和cyborg
所有技能都只用加到85-90就OK..有装备和娃娃补充最后的10来点..属性点也只用加到8或9....我现在14级..开锁 SMGUN SNEAK 都100 能量枪80.属性除了魅力以外都8+.感知已经10了...现在除了死爪能对我造成威胁外感觉基本已经无敌了...不过是在SNEAK状态..直接火拼的话还是很危险
继续...现在16级半...拿到了几把特殊武器..比如52攻的林肯猎枪,拿到这个普通猎枪可以下课了.....61攻的SMG.用的10MM子弹..多到用不完...攻击还很高.... 还有把攻击不是很出众但名字是特殊名字的狙击...加上某任务奖励的52攻的雷射....特殊武器的修理也是很简单的...用同种类的枪来修就OK了..现在感觉修理的重要了..技能全加修理了..目前72..外面的武器.拿到相同的就修理..然后把高耐久的拿回去卖...现在钱多到用不完...MINGUN一堆一堆的..拿满就修成一把..不占重量又能来钱....