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posted by wap, platform: iPhone
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
原帖由 @seablue 于 2019-2-7 23:56 发表
Just when we thought we’d figured out how to address global warming, it turns out that the sun has gone rogue and in less than a century it’s going to destroy Earth and eventually expand to the size of our solar system. We can’t build enough space stations to save mankind and we can’t colonize another planet since they’re all going to be destroyed too. But what if we built thousands of massive rocket thrusters at key spots on the planet and shot the entire planet out of the solar system and onward to the Sollike sun a 2,500 year journey away?
That’s the fantastic and fascinating premise of the new Chinese made scifi blockbuster ‘The Wandering Earth’ and it’s an idea so crazy that might just work. Thousands of thrusters and massive underground cities to ensure billions of people around the world can survive and breed, generation after generation, until the planet can be neatly repositioned in the new system. Meanwhile, everything is utter chaos and when the rotation of the Earth is stopped so that the thrusters can push our planet in the right direction, it’s a smart thing to be 500m underground in one of the cities.
Great scifi stories are about people, not just technology, however, and ‘The Wandering Earth’ centers on three generations of a Chinese family: grandfather, father Liu Peiqiang (Wu Jing), and son Liu Qi (Qu Chuxiao). The film opens as the United Earth Government announces its plans to save Earth and mankind: To shoot out of the solar system. Leading the journey will be a massive space station that will ensure safe travels. It’s Liu Peiqiang who’s volunteered to be part of the space station staff, a job that will keep him in space for almost twenty years. Meanwhile, his 7 year old son Liu Qi doesn’t really understand what’s going on. Zoom forward 17 years and things have gotten rough, but the Earth is indeed on its journey out of our system; it’s poised to slingshot past Jupiter and use the planet’s gravitational pull to speed up t ...
就在我们以为我们已经想好了如何解决全球变暖的时候, 事实证明, 太阳已经变得不稳定, 不到一个世纪, 它就会摧毁地球, 最终扩大到我们太阳系的大小。我们不能建造足够的空间站来拯救人类, 也不能殖民另一个星球, 因为它们也都将被摧毁。但是, 如果我们在地球上的关键地点制造了数千个巨大的火箭推进器, 并将整个行星从太阳系中射出, 然后再射向太阳, 距离太阳有2500年的路程, 那又会怎样呢?
这是中国新制作的科幻大片《流浪地球》的奇妙而迷人的前提, 这是一个如此疯狂的想法, 可能只是工作。成千上万的推进器和庞大的地下城市, 以确保全世界几十亿人能够生存和繁殖, 一代又一代, 直到地球能够在新系统中整齐地重新定位。同时, 一切都完全混乱, 当地球的自转停止, 以便推进器能够推动我们的星球朝着正确的方向前进时, 在其中一个城市的地下 5 0 0 米是一件聪明的事情。
伟大的科幻故事讲述的是人, 而不仅仅是技术, 然而, 《流浪地球》以中国家庭的三代为中心: 祖父、父亲刘佩强 (吴静)、儿子刘琦 (曲楚晓)。影片开机之际, 联合地球政府宣布了拯救地球和人类的计划: 从太阳系中射击。领导这次旅行将是一个巨大的空间站, 将确保安全出行。是刘培强自愿成为空间站工作人员的一员, 这份工作将让他在太空呆上近 2 0年。同时, 他7岁的儿子刘琪并不真正了解发生了什么。提前了 17年, 事情变得艰难了, 但地球确实正在走出我们的系统;它准备弹弓通过木星, 并使用行星的引力 p让我们加快行程。
在这一点上, 刘琦已经成为一个才华横溢但高度玩世不恭的科技家, 他涉足创造奇怪的技术, 渴望他从未认识过的父亲。他的母亲, 在所有戏剧的方式, 早在很多年前就去世了, 所以他是由爷爷抚养长大的。一路上一个孤儿韩多 (赵金迈) 被家里收养了, 齐的姐姐也收养了。她是一个十几岁的孩子, 她不停的嚼口香糖和偶尔发牢骚是为数不多的人性化元素的男性沉重的演员之一。
所以他们正从木星上空飞过, 这一切看起来都很适合重力弹弓。直到它不是, 每个人都带着某种警报意识到, 地球已经偏离了近 1 0度的轨道, 正在被拉到木星的巨大重力中, 而不是被抛过去。更糟糕的是, 它几乎把所有的行星推进器都击倒了!这就是其他一切围绕的主要剧情元素, 要看刘琪、汉道、强硬的武官王磊 (李光杰)、科学家李一义 (张一一) 和半澳大利亚半中国的搭档蒂姆 (迈克·苏) 才能得到一个大赤道的东西 "在为时已晚之前就把推进器放在网上了
有很多喜欢这个快速移动的冒险科幻史诗, 从纯粹的大胆的核心故事情节华丽的布景和外部拍摄, 地下城市的坚毅现实主义。和所有优秀的科幻小说一样, 它要求观众思考一些基本的问题, 即谁应该被拯救, 我们愿意付出什么代价来生存, 如果我们真的要在手篮里, 不管大小, 我们可能会创造什么计划。视觉效果令人惊叹, 与好莱坞的科幻史诗中的佼佼者抗衡。当包括像 base fx、pixomondo、bolesehip fx、weta 和宏图这样的视觉效果团队参与进来时, 这并不奇怪。还有一个 3d imax 版本, 我设法赶上 (它只是在美国影院两天前被乐高电影撞下屏幕), 它是郁郁葱葱, 完全沉浸在巨大的屏幕上。中国城市被冻得很深、半毁的天际线非常棒。
但《流浪的地球》并不是伟大的科幻小说。现代电影观众足够成熟, 可以找到一个忽视最基本的物理和谐的故事。一个书科学家 , 一旦地球停止旋转 , 地球怎么还有大气层 , 或者我们如何建造足够大的城市 , 容纳地下 5 亿米以上的 3 0 多亿人 , 就能解决这个叙事问题。另外, 如果我们也在深空中比赛, 地球表面的温度应该是绝对零度;它是如何车辆仍然可以在该表面上工作?而最终的解决方案 (这里没有破坏者!) 真的站不住脚, 也不会有圆满的结局。
有些人的演技比较糟糕。有时青少年韩多 (在电影中被称为多多) 的行为就像一个发牢骚的幼儿, 只是为了几分钟后转身, 用一个振奋人心的演讲来激励大家。我也对刘琪和他久违的父亲刘佩强之间的紧张关系很感兴趣, 但影片几乎没有让我洞察他们对这一悲惨分离的感受。和其他许多科幻电影一样, 我们只能问一个问题, 一个宏大的故事和美丽的视觉效果是否足以创造一部伟大的电影。而和太多的人一样, 答案是 "不是真的"。
还有电影的政治方面, 很吸引人。故事中没有美国人。没有。事实上, 我们看到的唯一一面美国国旗是挂在棺材上的。地球联合政府有俄罗斯人、法国人、英国人和其他国家的代表, 但没有美国人。除了 moss, 也就是。谁是 moss?运行空间站的有知觉的计算机系统。想想2001年的哈尔: 太空漫游, 你会走在正确的轨道上。
所有这些都导致了这样的观察, 即作为一个美国人, 看《流浪的地球》的经历无疑与中国电影爱好者观看美国科幻大片的经历相似, 不知道中国为何从未出现过, 中国演员不知何故, 中国人的聪明才智和毅力似乎从来没有帮助挽救这一天。我想是交换条件吧
该片也是用普通话写的, 有英文字幕, 那些字幕动作很快!有很多的对话, 你真的要注意抓住所有的细微差别, 这是太糟糕了, 因为你真的要享受华丽的视觉和效果, 无论是在太空, 在空间站或回到一个非常, 非常寒冷的地球。也许将来某个时候会有一个被配音的版本, 但在此之前, 要做好准备 (或快速学习汉语)。
最后, 说了这么多, 我还是很享受 ' 流浪的地球 ' "这是一个巨大的, 令人兴奋的概念和坚实的紧张建设的故事, 将保持你在你的座位边缘, 木星施加越来越多的引力在我们的小星球上。我们能现实地把地球推向一个新的宇宙吗?当你在剧院里寻求娱乐的时候, 这真的重要吗?我说去看看, 欣赏一部完全不同的科幻史诗, 标志着中国电影的一个里程碑。
电影评论了《 wandingearth dave tayolave 》永远是个科幻怪人。他在高中时最喜欢的书是《沙丘》, 有一次他看了第一部《星球大战》电影 (又名第四部分: 新希望), 他对科幻娱乐媒体的执着就是一把锁。他拥有计算机科学、教育和 mba 的地面学位, 并参与消费电子行业多年。除了在广受欢迎的 askdalayloro. com 担任科技支持神谕外, 他还是 gofatherhood. com 的育儿博主。
本帖最后由 卡比兽 于 2019-2-8 00:28 通过手机版编辑
posted by wap, platform: Android
影评对一些细节和演技是否定态度的,all over the place 指的是演技相对比较渣,而不是演技到处都是。但是作为一个美国人,看得津津有味。
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
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Chinese blockbuster The Wandering Earth might be the best sci-fi movie of 2019
Travis Johnson
China’s first major science fiction blockbuster, about a future where humanity has come together and formed a world government, is a big and beautiful movie. It could be a game-changer, writes critic Travis Johnson.
“Go big or go home” seems to be the ethos driving The Wandering Earth, a big budget adaptation of Chinese science fiction author Liu Cixin’s novel of the same name – and in this case home is a star several light years away from us, it’s going to take us two and a half thousand years to get there, and we’re taking our entire planet with us, because our own sun is going nova. Oh, and it might all be for naught because we’re going to crash into Jupiter.
How’s that for high concept? Narratively and stylistically the film owes something to Michael Bay’s Armageddon, if Armageddon had been made with style, verve, and sheer audacity. Not to mention hope: The Wandering Earth posits a future where, faced with certain extinction, humanity comes together to form a world government, builds thousands of 11 kilometre tall fusion engines all over one side of the Earth, and sets course for another solar system, retreating into vast, sealed underground cities to withstand the lethal cold of space that will envelope the planet during our generations-long exodus. A massive undertaking that requires global cooperation and no finish line in sight? It’s not hard to see a parable – and call to action – for climate change there.
It’s not as easy as all that, of course – sacrifices must be made, like the half of the world’s population that couldn’t be housed in the bunker cities. Among them was the mother of protagonist Liu Qi (Qu Chuxiao), whose terminal illness made her invalid. Now a rebellious teen, Qi resents his astronaut father Liu Peiqiang (Wu Jing) for making that call – and also because he hasn’t seen him in 17 years, as Peiqiang is part of the crew of a space station that acts as Spaceship Earth’s navigator. Imagine a tugboat towing an aircraft carrier and you’ve got a fair idea of the set up.
Young Qi bucks against doing his duty to the collective, preferring to tool around in a spacesuit on Earth’s frozen surface and sulk, but his feckless feelings quickly take a backseat when a navigational error threatens to plunge Earth smack bang into Jupiter’s Red Spot, and Qi, his sister Han Dao (Zhao Jinmai), and their curmudgeonly-kind grandfather find themselves caught up in a military mission led by Captain Wang Lei (Li Guangjie) to go and kickstart one of the failing giant engines and hopefully save the planet.
Look, it’s a lot to take in. The Wandering Earth hits you with big, beautiful sci-fi ideas and concepts at a furious rate. While the plot, broadly speaking, maps onto any given blockbuster disaster movie, there are a lot of moving parts, and a lot of seemingly ludicrous notions that need to be accepted. Some of them are nigh-unbelievable, but writer Liu Cixin is famed for his scientific accuracy, so when the film tells you that Earth’s atmosphere is being sucked away by Jupiter’s sheer mass, just nod and smile. Odds are, he knows more than you.
Besides, big ideas like that are fun, in an Asimov/Bester/Clarke kind of way, but if that’s not your bag there’s always the “ragtag guys on a mission” story which, all window dressing aside, is the narrative spine of The Wandering Earth. The planet may be hurtling to its doom and astronaut Peiqiang may be having a battle of wills with an intelligent computer on the navigational space station (something that seems to happen any time we get too close to Jupiter, come to think of it), but the bulk of the film is a bunch of mismatched heroes in a high tech RV gunning it through the frozen, blasted landscape and dealing with the usual run of landslides, earthquakes, explosions, heroic sacrifices, and what have you. It’s a blast.
Director Frant Gwo brings a fairly Western, post-Tony-Scott style to the proceedings, employing fast edits, roving cameras, and a dense approach to visual information in order to keep things barreling along at the appropriate velocity. Yet The Wandering Earth is also rather painterly, with the striking vista of Jupiter looming over Earth’s icy surface being a dominant recurring image. That painterly tone is also a result of some of the CGI not being quite photorealistic, at times feeling like the matte paintings employed in the pre-digital era. This doesn’t detract from the film, though; rather it anchors it more solidly in the classic SF genre.
It also helps to give the film a fairly unique texture. To a Western, anglophone viewer (this one, at least) The Wandering Earth just feels different, even when its presenting ideas and concepts that we’ve seen in sci-fi cinema before. The film’s armoured truck and exo-armoured soldiers might have antecedents (Aliens comes immediately to mind), as does its cyberpunkish cities and sterile space station, but here there are design choices being made that arise out of a different cultural context, making the familiar seem fresh. A recent comparison might be Black Panther’s Wakanda – another setting that refracted familiar tropes through a little-used cultural lens.
That extends to some of the film’s thematic meat, which goes out of its way to marry the rugged, maverick individualism required of Western style action heroes with Chinese cultural virtues of duty, humility, self-sacrifice, and loyalty, both to family and society as a whole. The Wandering Earth’s heroes are just the kind of gung-ho go-getters who can go off plan and do what needs to be done when the chips are down – but they’re explicitly doing it out of selfless service to the greater good, which is often a by-product rather than an aim of American heroes’ actions. It’s an interesting bit of ideological interplay.
If there are nits to pick, they’re issues common to this kind of big scale, big cast tentpole film: namely, the characters are, by and large, quickly sketched archetypes, their relationships uncomplicated, and their arcs fairly simple. Given everyone else going on, that might be a feature rather than a bug; conceptually, there’s enough to take on board without tipping in a mixed bag of complex personal issues and storylines.
The Wandering Earth is being marketed solely to the Chinese diaspora in Australia, so if you’re not a member of that community it might take some effort to get in front of a screen for this one. That effort will be well rewarded, though. China’s first major sci-fi film is an absolute winner, and if its indicative of what’s to come, the future looks sweet.
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
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- tfish 2019-2-8 16:36 通过手机版投票给"5勉强及格"。
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- stkoichi 2019-2-8 16:39 通过手机版投票给"8良心佳作"。
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- reinhaidvon 2019-2-8 16:41 通过手机版投票给"8良心佳作"。
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- alhoaa 2019-2-8 16:45 通过手机版投票给"9堪称炸裂"。
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- Wbird 2019-2-8 17:03 通过手机版投票给"8良心佳作"。
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