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posted by wap, platform: iPad

04:16 | Unreal Engine Lumen
Quick note on the Lumen stuff from Epic's documentation that further clarifies what it's doing: "Lumen uses Software Ray Tracing through Signed Distance Fields by default, but can achieve higher quality on supporting video cards when Hardware Ray Tracing is enabled."
Epic Games this week posted major announcements about its Unreal Engine 5, and we’ve already been using it internally for our upcoming memory timings animations. The Unreal Engine 5 update is important for the hardware market, too, and the reason is made obvious by looking at Epic’s new interface: Ray Tracing is now marked as “deprecated.” Epic determined that real-time ray tracing is, at this point, too costly in performance and too unreliable in deployment, and so has developed its own globally applicable solution called “Lumen.”
Epic said:
“In Unreal Engine 4, features such as Screen Space Global Illumination were not reliable and Ray Tracing Global Illumination (RTGI) was not performant for games with a high enough quality, and didn't integrate with other important systems.”
“Lumen is our fully dynamic real-time global illumination solution that immediately reacts to scene and light change, making for more believable experiences. The GI hooks in directly with our time of day settings, allowing for true physically-based settings for photorealistic environments. Lumen solves dynamic diffuse indirect lighting. For example, light bouncing diffusely off of a surface picks up the color of that surface and reflects the colored light onto other nearby surfaces; this effect is called color bleeding. Meshes in the scene also block indirect lighting, which also produces indirect shadowing.”
Lumen is usable for indirect lighting, global illumination, emissive materials, reflections, and all light types. That includes directional, sky, point, spot, and rect lights. NVIDIA and Epic are still working directly together on RT support, though, and Lumen can accelerate more with RT hardware.
Additionally, Epic announced its Temporal Super Resolution solution to help upscale image quality. Epic said:
“UE5’s new anti-aliasing solution, temporal super resolution, keeps up with all this geometric detail to create sharper, more stable images than before, with quality approaching true native 4K at the cost of 1080p.”


posted by wap, platform: iPad
原帖由 @linkyw  于 2021-7-12 08:38 发表

