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推薦這位 TOUTUBER,專做 XSS 的試玩,又新又快,最特別的是每次都會介紹遊戲容量,2077 更新後在 XSS 是 59GB


Cyberpunk 2077 | PS4 - PS4 Pro - PS5 | Patch 1.2 Graphics Comparison

- There are no changes to the resolution. The PS5 version still has a single display mode (1224p at 60fps).
- PS5 level of npcs seems to have increased slightly, although still below Series X in this regard. On PS4/Pro the amount is still low.
- Performance has improved slightly. We are back to the average FPS we had before patch 1.1.
- Tested textures have not changed their quality. Some texts on PS4 are still unreadable.
- Shadows now appear to be more blurred. I'm not sure if they have lost resolution. On PS5 they are still of inferior quality with respect to Xbox Series.
- Some shadows have been clipped in the distance (18:03). This change affects all versions. However, environmental occlusion has also been improved (18:48)
- The lighting of some interiors has been modified. In the scene of the shooting, we can see how the windows are covered (13:52). This change does not appear to affect performance.
- As a personal opinion, after having tested Cyberpunk 2077 49 times on 7 different platforms, I think that the PS4/PS4 Pro versions will no longer undergo appreciable changes in terms of performance or graphic quality. As for PS5, we will not see changes either until the Nextgen patch specific for this platform and Xbox Series is released.

