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[新闻] XGP PC The Evil Within

The Evil Within on PC Gamepass/Windows Store is a new port - Includes First-Person view, FOV options, New Icons, All DLC, & more

https://www.resetera.com/threads ... ll-dlc-more.396439/

"EVIL WITHIN FANS REJOICE. The microsoft gamepass version of TEW1 is basically a remaster."
They Added
- first person mode + FOV option
- Infinite ammo mode
- Icons for lantern/sneaking in first person view
- Low/Medium options for Camera Bob
- The stamina has been adjusted, you can now run for 5 seconds at default stamina(was originally 3 seconds)
- All DLC Included
- Separate Achievement List from Xbox
- The game also feels less janky and smooth. definitely worth getting!

