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[硬件改造] sfc上什么游戏是必须卡带才能玩的 磁碟机和烧录卡不行的吗

•SD/SDHC/SDXC support (tested up to 64GB; no exFAT support so SDXC cards must be reformatted using FAT32)
•High quality push-push memory card slot
•Fast ROM loading (~9MB/s)
•Fast menu navigation
•Directories are sorted automatically, no need for FAT sorting tools
•High resolution menu (512×224) for adequate display of long file names
•Real Time Clock
•Supports ROM size up to 128MBit (96Mbit actually implemented)
•Automatic near-time SRAM saving to SD Card (while the game runs). Some limitations apply: ◦near-time saving is switched to periodic saving when a game is found to use the SRAM as work RAM.
◦Automatic saving is disabled when MSU1 is used. SRAM is saved on reset.

•Enhancement chip support (see below for implementation status)
•SuperCIC key (SNES CIC clone): ◦enables operation on unmodified consoles of all regions
◦supports software 50/60Hz switching on SuperCIC enhanced consoles only (to be performed by sd2snes firmware, not yet implemented there)

•Auto region patching: eliminates “This Game Pak is not designed…” messages regardless of 50/60Hz setting

Enhancement chips

Each supported enhancement chip can be used in conjunction with MSU1.

•BS-X memory map / Satellaview base unit registers (clock)
•DSP1 / 1b

Work in progress
•GSU-1/2 (SuperFX)

To Do:
•Action Replay/Game Genie code support
•SPC7110 – with the Far East of Eden Zero translation patch in the works it would be a shame not to support it.
•??? (you name it)

To be determined:

•ST-011 ◦requires 54kB of Block RAM; the FPGA only provides 36kB of Block RAM.

•ST-018 ◦yet unknown architecture but probably more powerful than the ST-011.

•OBC-1 ◦Simple bit-manipulating chip as OAM accelerator for one game. Implementation is almost a no-brainer but I’m not interested right now.

