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[官方活动] 刺客雷条3 高清trailer

Meet The New Creative Director For Assassin's Creed III
http://www.gameinformer.com/b/fe ... 39-s-creed-iii.aspx

Assassin's Creed III introduces players to a new protagonist, a new setting, and pulling all the strings a new creative director working behind the scenes. Starting in Australia at a studio that specialized in licensed games for the Game Boy Advance, Alex Hutchinson worked his way through the ranks at Maxis to eventually become the lead designer on Spore. To learn Alex's thoughts on narrative in games and how Spore has influenced his take on Assassin's Creed III, watch this bonus portion of his interview on our YouTube channel.

Alex Hutchinson's unique path through the gaming industry fuels his fresh take on the Assassin's Creed series. Watch the video below to learn about his history in games, the development of Assassin's Creed III, and why colonial America will be the ideal playground for an assassin.

