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[新闻] 谁说UBI索黑?

FARCRY 2  最新进度

最先在PC上制作,360版只需3个人就能搞定移植. PS3版需要14人来应对PS3独特架构带来的困难.

http://kotaku.com/5011439/far-cr ... e-from-175-to-three
Because the engine was built to work on a PC, bringing the game, with all of its bells and whistles, over to the Xbox 360 was a relatively easy affair, the developers told me. Afterall, they said, the Xbox 360 is essentially a computer. In fact they only have three people working on the team that is porting the game over.

The Playstation 3? Not quite as simple an affair. They have a team of 14 working on that port, mostly because of the "difficulties" of working with the Playstation 3's unique architecture.

