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[新闻] 【薄暮传说】发售日确定!!!中文翻译和新图!!!

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2008-4-16 13:01

Tales of Vesperia
Namco Bandai Games, Bandai Namco Games  |  Sep 16, 2008



如果你是个RPG 饭,并且想在360上找些传统的日式冒险的话. Namco正在烹饪的大餐或许能满足你的需要. Tales of Vesperia最近成为了XBOX的独占RPG大作,成为传说系列在360上的处女秀.我们最近很有幸地拿到了制作中的 demo ,就让我们来看看着款有着高期待值的动作RPG吧.

这个有限的demo始于游戏开始后不久。主角Yuri和他混杂的队伍: Karol, Estelle, Rita, 和游戏最酷的犬类角色:来自Amaterasu, Repede,一只“烟枪”狗. 这伙人来到一处名为Ehmead Hill的地方, 一番玩乐后(Yuri'似乎是名反叛军和被通缉者), 他们出发去探索些什么. 全程语音的即时过场,配音听起来还过得去. Namco 还提到游戏里角色之间的互动小对话也是全部配过音,这还是系列的第一次.

游戏性一直都是传说系列玩家最为期待和看重的.充满了探索和 可见式遇敌战斗.战斗依然是全即时,但是在道具菜单打开时,战斗会暂停.你能够将攻击和施法预先和手柄上的按键邦定来创造你自己独一无二的连招. Vesperia 的新特点就是建立在计时上的连击系统,这个系统要求玩家迅速和准确地按下对应的按键组合.这是个有趣的改变,会让你新鲜好一阵子. 我们对于这个系统如何在最终游戏里很好地表现出来感到十分好奇. 最终,我们确定了烹饪(好吧,你们习惯上的料理。)仍然会出现在 Tales of Vesperia里, 我们已经摩拳擦掌了.

游戏的整体画面和 肖邦的铃音 很接近,但是独具一格的画风则是游戏显得更暗色调一点. 角色的动画特点到一直是系列的一种特色,没太大的变化. 环境方面,也是系列惯有的画面,不过带着一些繁华的调调.战斗则主要由魔法攻击和法术施放的大量特效所构成.

游戏音乐方面有进步. 我们听着一些软软的音调和很好的配音.环境音乐也十分不错。战斗是的大量音效则充斥着动感和激情.游戏似乎没有打算涉及一些新的音乐类型,但基本就是这些基调.

基于我们所体验的, 玩家们不用担心Tales of Vesperia 会在360上水土不服,相反地,它玩起来十分舒服。视觉上也是可口诱人,填充着丰富的色彩和漂亮的场景设计.游戏玩起来也十分的传统,熟悉的操作和即时战斗一切都不会让人觉得很陌生。新的连击系统也十分得有趣.,我们虽然还没有深入接触这个系统,我们很希望它不会太难掌握.如果你是传说系列的拥簇,或则你只是想找一些传统的RPG耍耍 , 你会期待着款游戏秋季在360上的演出的.

http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/ ... 310&tag=top_stories;title;2 引用:
If you're a role-playing game fan who's been hankering for a more traditional experience than what's currently available on the Xbox 360, Namco is cooking up something that just might suit you. Tales of Vesperia is the recently announced Xbox-exclusive RPG that marks the first installment in the Japanese developer's Tales series for the console. We recently had the chance to try out a work-in-progress demo of the game to see how it's shaping up and are excited at the prospect of high-def RPG action.

Yuri and friends should be arriving on the Xbox 360 this fall.
The limited demo kicked off shortly after the proper start of the game and found us meeting up with main character Yuri and his motley crew of a party: Karol, Estelle, Rita, and gaming's most awesome canine character since Amaterasu, Repede, a pipe-smoking dog. The quintet arrive at an area known as Ehmead Hill, and after some hijinks ensue (Yuri's a bit of a rebel and sort of a wanted man), they set out to do some exploring. The real-time cutscene already featured full voice, with passable voice acting. Namco reps also noted that the skit interactions between the characters will feature full voice, which is a first for the series.

Gameplay was pretty much what you'd expect from a Tales game. There was exploration and, when we came across enemies, combat. Battles still play out in real time with the option to stop the action to make item choices. You'll be able to assign attacks and spells to the controller buttons to let you string together your own unique attack combos, which is always a good touch. New to Vesperia is a much more timing-based combo system that will require you to mash buttons quickly and in the right combinations. It's an interesting new wrinkle to the system that will take some time to absorb. We're curious to see how it works out in the final game. Finally, we were able to confirm with Namco reps that cooking will appear in Tales of Vesperia, so we look forward to getting our sandwich on.

The game's graphics are similar in spirit to Namco's recent Xbox RPG Eternal Sonata, but feature their own distinct art style that uses less dark lines and outlining. The characters feature the anime style we've seen in the last few Tales games and have a familiar feel to them. The environment we saw followed suit with a similar style and a lush color palette. Combat was bolstered by a host of special effects to supplement magical attacks and spellcasting.

Combat in Tales of Vesperia incorporates an interesting new combo system.
The game's audio is coming along. We heard some low-key tunes and decent voice acting. There was also a decent amount of ambient audio and plenty of effects during combat to sell the hectic pacing. At the moment it doesn't look as if the game is going to break much new ground, but it should have all of its bases covered.

Based on what we played, Tales of Vesperia is shaping up to be a comfy fit on the Xbox 360. The visuals are stylish and crisp, with a rich color palette that sells the beautiful art. The gameplay is very much classic Tales and delivers a solid real-time feel to the action. The tweaked combo system keeps things interesting; we're not totally sold on the timing just yet, but we're anxious to see if we can master it. If you're a fan of the Tales games or are just looking for a more traditional RPG experience, you'll want to keep an eye out for Tales of Vesperia when it ships this fall for the Xbox 360.









Namco 还提到游戏里角色之间的互动小对话也是全部配过音,这还是系列的第一次.





原帖由 鲜奶杯 于 2008-4-17 10:01 发表
Namco 还提到游戏里角色之间的互动小对话也是全部配过音,这还是系列的第一次.



原帖由 ccow 于 2008-4-17 10:11 发表








[ 本帖最后由 三派聚义 于 2008-4-17 10:17 编辑 ]





