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[新闻] 下星期四任天堂将举办媒体峰会!又一个“秋季发表会?“

Nintendo’s Media Summit - info
It seems that Nintendo fans have a new event to look forward to. Nintendo will be holding a media summit next week, starting Thursday, April 10th. News of the event has been popping up all over the place. Just below, we read that Telltale will be announcing their WiiWare title at the event. No word on embargoes, or any other titles that will be shown, but at least we know that something is taking place! If/when news is released, we’ll be sure to cover it here.

Now, time to have some fun! Place your bets on what will be shown. I am going to journey into make-believe land, and venture a guess of Pikmin 3. How about you?


另外,本人也看了Gonintendo网站的又一条消息,指出某杂志说Monolith Soft的天灾:危机之日将会于6月份发售,同期还有一款N64名作Pilotwings续作的Wii版发售日也一样在6月份。

[ 本帖最后由 NintendoWii 于 2008-4-5 23:23 编辑 ]

