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天没塌 华纳独占BD后的最新一期光碟销量是。。

Blu-ray Dominates Disc Sales Chart Post-Warner Announcement
Thu Jan 17, 2008 at 03:00 PM ET
Tags: Disc Sales, Industry Trends (all tags)

The Blu-ray camp took a decisive lead in disc sales for the week ending January 13th, the first full week following Warner's announcement that it would abandon its HD DVD support.

Though Blu-ray has outsold HD DVD in overall disc sales by a factor of nearly 2:1 since the start of 2007, last week saw the largest gulf between the two rival formats yet, with Blu-ray commanding an 85% share of all high-def discs sold.


Home Media Magazine is reporting that of the top ten high-def discs sold on either format, not a single HD DVD disc made the list, with the top-selling HD DVD disc ('The Kingdom') moving only one tenth as many units as the best selling Blu-ray title, '3:10 to Yuma.'

While it's too soon to tell whether Warner's announcement had a direct effect on Blu-ray's stronger-than-ever disc sales lead, HD DVD had been holding steady with a relatively strong 39% share of high-def disc sales in the last weeks of the 2007 holiday shopping season.

华纳独占后最新一期周销量 BD85% HD15%: 创历史纪录的差距 fq4:

[ 本帖最后由 奶牛 于 2008-1-18 14:04 编辑 ]

