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[新闻] 法国--ps3总销量已超越xbox360

原帖由 bigbird 于 2007-12-13 10:49 发表

http://www.playfuls.com/news_119 ... _gaming_market.html

According to French research firm TNS Sofres, the French market has reached maturity, but has not yet lost its attractiveness for developers and publishers. During the two days of telephone interviews (November 21 and 22), more than 1,000 French gamers, aged above 15, responded to questions that tried to clarify aspects like: what's the situation of the gaming market in France? who are the players? on what platforms do they play (PC, consoles, mobiles...)? what do they intend to purchase in the next 6 months? what do they think of in-game advertisement?

The PlayStation brand by far dominates the French market, with more than a third of hardcore gamers being "equipped" with a PS2, while 13% are still enamoured with their PS1. The Wii comes next, with 11% of the gamers owning Nintendo's product. The Xbox trails the Wii with 10%, while the Xbox 360 has only 4% market share, even behind its later-arrived rival PlayStation 3 (5%). The good-ol' GameCube is still young and fresh, at 8% market share.


