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Mass Effect推迟发售?!

原定11月发售的Mass Effect,现在有消息指出将会推迟发售!


Update: Chris Priestly, Mass Effect Community Coordinator, has shot down the rumor. Chris states the game is still scheduled for a November release, and an exact release date will be announced shortly. Thanks for the head’s up, Saturation!
Bioware’s upcoming RPG, Mass Effect, has been delayed many times throughout the past year. Up until a few months ago, the game was expected to release as soon as August. However, as E3 approached, Microsoft and the game’s developers noted that the game would hit shelves in November. Now, as the Xbox 360 lineup begins to up the ante for the holiday season, sources claim that Mass Effect has yet again been delayed. Hit the jump for more details.

The Xbox 360 holiday lineup for 2007, as proclaimed by many critics and analysts, may be the best the industry has ever seen. Many significant titles will be released in the coming months, and several will no doubt get buried in the hype surrounding titans like Halo 3. Mass Effect, which has received many “best of E3 awards” and predicted by many to be a Game of the Year contender, is one of such titles. The game, according to Australian game site Mygen, is scheduled for a release on December 7th. Compared to the previous announcement of Mass Effect’s street date, this latest development isn’t too big of a change. Therefore, it’s likely that Bioware is planning on pushing back the title to avoid getting lost within the quagmire of fall titles, yet still in time for Christmas.

Bioware has yet to make an official announcement regarding the new launch date, but the chance of the title hitting on December 7th seems more than likely.
Source: Mygen




原帖由 lesliex 于 2007-8-20 12:18 发表


