原帖由 fangyimins 于 2017-12-20 14:51 发表 看来以后跟狗吵架,得先存好干货了,尼玛这可是12年了,隔壁某9,已经开始挖坟打脸了,泥潭呢?
原帖由 EpilogueSKM 于 2017-12-20 15:32 发表 传片懒得连论坛搜索功能都懒得用了么: 随便一搜http://club.tgfcer.com/viewthrea ... light=%2Bzhangjingy 当年天师频繁贴gif吹kz2的帖子基本老用户都知道吧,还是说天师早就被你们开除出g ... 发表于 2006-11-14 08:52 只看该作者 使用道具 报告 评分 最新OPM杂志采访了Phil Harrison,下面是有关KZ2的采访: OPM asked, "How’s Killzone coming along?" “With Killzone, the expectation internally and externally is very high – and I won’t show it until it’s going to exceed people’s expectations. It will be next year before we show it again, but it’s coming along very well. The team is working very hard, they know exactly what they have to do and there’s no doubt they will achieve it, but there’s nothing to be served by something that doesn’t satisfy my goals for the project. I can tell you, though, that some elements already exceed the trailer,"
原帖由 doraamon 于 2017-12-20 15:21 发表 这是传说中的传说片?既然这么不要脸了我来打一下脸也不要紧吧? "Smets recalls watching the video in Amsterdam via an Internet feed and hearing a PlayStation rep describe the Killzone footage as "runn ...
原帖由 @讴歌123 于 2017-12-20 18:58 发表 我觉得虽然大陆不能用google了,可是bing国际版还是能用的 https://www.vg247.com/2011/05/10/guerrillarecallsthecontroversysurroundingkillzone2se32005trailer/ To those who weren’t around at the time or who may not recall, at E3 2005, Sony showed a trailer for Killzone 2, which to some looked as though it wasn’t actual gameplay footage despite SCEA VP Jack Tretton stating it was “real gameplay everybody’s seeing out there,” to IGN at the time.
原帖由 @I-Am-Legend 于 2017-12-20 19:31 发表 开车路上没法细看文章 但05E3上这款游戏是平井一夫带出来的 他当时只是介绍一下登录PS3的游戏阵容 KZ2只是众多预告片中的一支 没有什么特别介绍 所以Jack Tretton 这句话哪里来的你搞清楚了么