Just a quick look at that 250 meg partition I missed before....
uumm.. there are emulators for fc, gba, gbc, md, sfc and sms right on it.
snagged some read mes from it
dingux gnuboy is a port of gnuboy for dingoo dingux with some extra options.
It has been ported by joyrider aka willems davy. The dingux version is a backport
of the native os version.
how to install ?
copy sdlgnuboy anywhere you like on your sd card. The home directory should be exported
before running dingux gnuboy (although i also set it in the code to /boot/local/home)
how to play ?
Once you copied your games and the binarie file just start sdlgnuboy from a terminal with as parameter
the rom you want to play. You could also add it to dmenu to use it with the selector option.
The default keys are the same as on the gameboy being:
A : A
B : B
Select : Select
Start : Start
L : QuickSave to selected saveslot
R : QuickLoad from selected saveslot
Y and X does nothing !
The menu?
Holding select+start will bring you to the menu where you can change diffrent options.
like showing the showing fps counter, the screen mode, sound volume, frameskip or save load a state as well as
quiting the emulator.
option notes:
...... etc
there are more.. hate to be a tease but i'm off to do holiday stuff.. i might have time tonight/tommorow morning..
edit and a playstation emulator with a playstation bios file included.. uh ohhh....