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[WE] 感觉fifa和we的差距进一步拉开了。。。



FIFA2010@360  绝对是个好游戏


Originally Posted by Jimmy G-Force View Post
The difference between the two is exactly what you mentioned, PES 2010 is natural. By that I mean, you dont require a skill move to pull it off. It's all based around the players stats or technique. Some of the 1st touches by Zlatan are simply phenomenal.

Every single player on FIFA has the exact same 'natural' first touch. That statement is a matter of fact. Any one who disagrees, show me a video clip. This is because FIFA doesnt concentrate on individuality. More the look of the game, rather than the 'feel' of the game. Period.

Agreed. PES has had a number of well documented hiccups along the way but I personally feel they've hit a winner this year.

PES 2010 is not perfect, but neither were any of the old Pro Evos. I think some people put PES 3, 4 and 5 on a bit of a pedestal and forget they had issues too. I think a good marker is whether you feel these kinks are forgiveable or if they are annoying enough to become game breakers. 2008 had too many for me. 2009 was enjoyable but lacked polish and innovation which resulted in a bit of an underwhelming package. If 2010 has all the ML improvements and a solid online then there will be no complaints from me as the match engine is now at a level I expect from a current gen game.

这两款游戏的不同之处就是你前面所提到的,PES2010是真实的。我意思是,你没必要用一个花式动作来过人(PULL IT OFF?)。这完全依赖于球员的能力数值和技能。IB的一些接球动作完全是现象级的。


我同意。PES has had a number of well documented hiccups along the way 但是我个人感觉今年PES将是赢家。


[ 本帖最后由 sdsdsdsd 于 2009-10-3 00:17 编辑 ]


原帖由 LILIT 于 2009-10-2 18:26 发表
可以翻一下,但是懒得码字了 长的还有,这都是我看到的非常好的观点和看法,说出了我的心声。大家能看懂的看,看不懂的算。


Thats what I dont understand about this collision detection malarkey. I thought that was pretty good, funny, but cool. Defender makes connection with a cheeky headbutt, and the keeper gets knocked off balance. It's not like his head went through him like that Ibra and whoever snapshot. Maybe its that clipping stuff I'm not understanding.

Anyway, anyone watch Berbatov tonight ? Some of his first touches were stunning. The one where he got caught offside at the end of the 1st half, and he took it over his shoulder and caught it on the end of his foot, and brought it down, was beautiful, very Bergkamp and Zola-esque. His first time flicks, backheels, touches in general were on a different planet. Thats pure undiluted technical mastery. Even more impressive as he's a big guy, and thats not the normal way of things, Zlatan and Zidane, and probably more excepted.

Played some more WE 10, and this just gets better and better the more I learn it, and the more I play it. Some of the unexpected instinctive flair touches by the top players are awesome. Using R2 and caressing the ball, or moving out of your feet, depending on the stats of the players is class. I saw a few 1st touches from the lesser technical players were the ball bobbled up, they then had to take a couple of touches to get it under control. High technique players take the ball dead. Zlatan took one down over his shoulder with the outside of his left boot, on the run, and set the shot up perfectly. All created because of that ridiculously difficult to pull off 1st touch.

If you weren't fast on PES 2009 then you struggled as a player, and Zlatan was less effective. Now you feel like you are him, with all his qualities, and the same goes for alot of the top players. You would think Henry's shooting and passing had been mo-capped by himself, he representation is frighteningly real.

I also found you cant really standing tackle from behind. Sometimes in other PES titles and definately Fifa, you could get tackled with your back facing the opposing player. That was all wrong and very unrealistic.

I hit a thunderbolt from Gerrard from 40 yards that was flying in the top corner, only to be tipped away at the last minute by an unbelievable finger-tip save. I only used half power but the ball was out of my feet, and I was attacking it with a good three strides. Not managed to get one that close before. Alot of that was Gerrard's long shot card though and the position I put him in for the strike. His strike was a head down and crack it type of strike. You cant direct those in real life, you aim for the target and hope for the best. Sometimes they fly in the top corner, sometimes they dont. But the theory of the shot is one where it will usually continue to rise. So keeping the power lower, helps with overal final height of the rising shot. I tried the theory and it worked. I was skying them over previously.

Also I did have trouble finding corners with shots, hence my earlier post about shots been to linear. I have pulled alot more off now but feel you really need to aim more accurately than before. And timing is everything, missing that window to strike by a split second for 1st time volleys will make the player control it before shooting. You can pull them off. I've done quite a few now, its hard, but possible, and I didnt think that before, hence my rant. I do appreciate the freedom concept of hitting it regardless and with the shot being mis-timed it flys into the stands. And I do love that. But I appreciate the concept of hitting a volley like that flush, and the perfect timing and technique that shot requires. Zidane's winner in the Champs League Final is a good example. So having a small time window for these volleys is a good idea if your looking to replicate the realism of that type of highly technical strike, and have success.

Also, and this was weird, but I scored three goals, from inside the box twice, and once from 25 yards. They all found the corners better than I could manage previous. The first goal, I noticed on the replay that I pressed shoot just after Zlatan had glanced up to see where the keeper was. It flew in the far corner as aimed. The second goal, I waited for him to look before I shot and same result. And again from 25 yards. Probably just a huge coincidence but I like the thought of the glance up before shooting giving you the added accuracy, as it does in real life.

The tricks are also based on you actual movements naturally and applied for the most part to its controller pad directional equivalent. I like that. And more so that only players with over 70%, 80% and 90% can pull them off. And they are nice and subtle and feel very relevant to the movement used on the pad.

Yep, I'm loving it.



WE10玩的越多,我就发现它越好,而我学到的越多,我就玩的更多。一些顶级球员意想不到的出色接球动作太NB了。最经典的是使用R2键护球,或者移动,完全依靠你这个球员的能力值。我从一些一般的球员身上见过一些接球动作,球会不稳定,或弹起或漏掉,所以他们需要更多的时间和动作来调整,来控制球。对于高水平的球员,球就像黏在他身上一样。IB能在跑动中用左脚外脚背接高球,而且能完美的连接射门动作。这些都源于ridiculously difficult to pull off 1st touch(荒谬的高难度接球?)



我用杰拉德射了一脚40码距离的怒射,然后球飞向了球门左上角,但被一次神奇的扑救化解了。我只用了一半力量,然后球离开了我的脚,紧接着我一个漂亮的3个跨步动作,最后射门!我事先并没有想到会有这样的动作。这些都应该和杰拉德的远射卡片还有我把它的位置移到了锋线。His strike was a head down and crack it type of strike(他并不擅长锋线?)。你并不能在现实中导演这一切,你需要做的只是尽力的去射向球门,然后期待有最好的结果发生。有时会飞向死角,有时则不会。但是射门的理论是他总会持续上升。所以保持较低的力度,通过控制球最后的上升高度来帮助提高命中率。我试了这个理论,而且它确实奏效。我过去远射都是打飞机的。

















[ 本帖最后由 sdsdsdsd 于 2009-10-2 20:39 编辑 ]
  • 烏鴉 激骚 +10 版务处理 2009-10-6 14:11
  • 烏鴉 发贴积分 +99 版务处理 2009-10-6 14:11
  • woodnymph 发贴积分 +100 感谢分享,一天激骚全给你了 2009-10-2 21:08
  • woodnymph 激骚 +30 感谢分享,一天激骚全给你了 2009-10-2 21:08







