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[新闻] 脏比U遭GS恶评,各媒体评分参差不齐

posted by wap, platform: iOS

ONM   92/100
EDGE    7/10
GS      4.5/10
Game Informer - 5/10
Eurogamer - 9/10
IGN - 6.3/10
Destructoid - 8/10

CVG - 8.4/10
GamesRadar - 3/5
GamesBeat - 88/100
Polygon - 8/10



[ 本帖最后由 飞侠 于 2012-11-19 09:50 编辑 ]


posted by wap, platform: iOS
原帖由 @历史厨  于 2012-11-18 11:09 发表
估计是要步当年red steel后尘.


IGN GS  GI给了低分
Eurogamer  Destructoid 给的分不错
EDGE 给了7分算是比较中性的


Played a couple hours of this earlier. It's damn good, but I totally see why it's so polarizing. If you go into it expecting a shooter you're guaranteed to hate it. The controls are designed specifically to work against you intentionally. Think original flavor Resident Evil going in and you'll get an idea whether you're going to like it. Extreme item management, lots of fetching things, unforgiving difficulty.
"But why am I forced to use this cricket bat all the time?"
Basically the same thing as "why is it so hard to shoot this zombie in the head?"
I only got to play for about 45 minutes today (updates and transferring data took hours) but I like what I have played so far. It's definitely slow and methodical but the atmosphere is great. I thought the prepper talking to you through the gamepad was a nice touch. I spent a lot of time scanning the environments and looking for supplies and also found some graffiti tags. I'm still trying to get used to the controls but I think that has more to do with the size and layout of the gamepad. Overall it seems like a pretty good game, but I'm not really that far into it yet.
Got some questions for U guys.
- Are you encountering any unresponsive touchscreen issues for inventory management/ puzzle-solving that some reviews complain about ? Do you prefer using your finger or stylus pen ?
- Is combat fairly tedious due to having to beat down a zombie with multiple hits ?
- Is using the GamePad scanner mechanic not as fun as you thought it would be ?
- Are the graphics as unimpressive as they've been made out to be ?
- Are the puzzle-solving touchscreen aspects of the game gimmicky ?
- What's your favorite part about ZombiU ?

Thanks in advance.
1. Nope, everything responds well. Anytime it doesn't is due to my error, not the gamepad. Also, finger all the way.
2. The scanner is ok. I knew that overusing it would make things too...detached, so I generally loot containers myself and only scan bodies I suspect aren't fully dead.
3. Don't know what the big deal on graphics is, but it isn't anything fancy. The textures are pretty plain and muddy, there's a dirty lens effect on the camera which is neat, but it all lends to the atmosphere to where it doesn't really matter. The only distraction I see at times is environment clipping, but I see that in a lot of fantastic games where I don't see why it was so negatively noted.
4. There really isn't much puzzle solving (don't get why that's a big deal either). The keypad is nice. However, the tapping on barricades/manhole covers is about as gimmicky as it gets in the game, and really wasn't needed.
5. The atmosphere is the best part. Not many games can nail that down, but so far this one is doing great.
Edit: Regarding the melee combat, it depends. If you do the same thing 100% of the time, you are going to find it tedious and boring. It's the bi-product of conservative gameplay. As long as you mix it up and don't go at it one-dimensionally, it shouldn't feel like too much of a chore.
Complete and total stoner moment right now.
ZombiU is by far the most intense game I've ever played. I'm on pins and needles every second. I'm in buckingham right now looking for the doctor and it's jus absolutely insane. the turret scene when you have to look at the tablet. Incredible.
By far the scariest game I've ever played. This could be the future of gaming.

[ 本帖最后由 飞侠 于 2012-11-19 17:34 编辑 ]

