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[杂谈] TOYOTA是不是要被载入史册了?

oyota Says Prius Brakes Had Design Flaws

Toyota admitted Thursday that the hybrid-electric Prius had problems with its anti-lock braking system, the latest blow to the beleaguered company and one that affects the symbol of the automaker's engineering prowess. A spokesperson for the company said Toyota had found design problems in models sold before late January, but that it had corrected them in models sold since then, the Associated Press reported.

The Prius was drawn into the mounting crisis for Toyota on Wednesday as Japanese officials ordered the company to investigate problems with the brakes on the 2010 model.
American safety officials also said they had received dozens of similar complaints.

With Toyota basing many of its recent hopes on the Prius, new questions surrounding the car raise doubts about a model that was not part of the recent global recalls of more than nine million vehicles.

Read More:
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/0 ... 5toyota.html?emc=na

