原帖由 u571 于 2015-10-19 10:15 发表 Based on the development kit, the sheer processing capabilities of the hardware (which still hasn't been finalized) are going to be "incredibly powerful" and quite possibly faster than whatever Sony and Microsoft have in store. Specifically, one software demo included with the kit crunches so many polygons that it's currently impossible to run at 60fps using a current-generation Intel (we're assuming a Core i7 Skylake) CPU and a nearly top-of-the-line graphics card (no specifics provided, but they probably used a single graphics card). http://www.nintendoforums.com/th ... rful-hardware.1963/ 性能超越skylake i7+泰坦X ...
原帖由 tripx 于 2015-10-19 11:06 发表 那么就是说一款游戏里有高中低清的材质和特效了?
原帖由 tripx 于 2015-10-19 11:31 发表 有没有可能这样,高材治和特效需要下载包。 关键是游戏平台商标究竟算哪一个,比如可以在PS4和PS5上同时运行,究竟算是哪个平台游戏。:D
原帖由 wudifenghuang 于 2015-10-20 13:13 发表 家用机用apu不是找死吗