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[业评] 大神卡马克发话,Rage运行在360上看上去就像是下一代的主机游戏

http://n4g.com/news/770820/rage- ... rue-next-gen-gaming

Rage On Xbox 360 is "True" Next Gen Gaming

Id's Software's new IP "Rage" is going to set the standard for fps both visually and technically this generation. With the power and developer friendly hardware of the Xbox 360, Rage looks like a next gen IP for "this gen consoles".

John Carmack is a gaming god and with id's new Tech5 engine, id software will **ize the fps. The Tech5 engine was first shown in 2007 and awed everyone at WWDC. With several new features implemented into the new engine Mega-texturing is most notable. One of the main components of the new engine is called 'Mega Texturing" this is the ability to create and process information on the fly. In essence, Mega Texturing allows the engine to automatically stream textures into memory as needed, this means the developer need not concern themselves with memory restraints or texture limits. The ability of mega texturing alone will separate the Tech5 from other engines.

Rage is being developed for PC (lead platform), Xbox 360 and PS3. The Xbox 360 being developer friendly and like a PC speaks volumes which will translate into the better console version. John Carmack himself has gone on record to state "the Xbox 360 version of RAGE  just about matches the 60fps frame rate of the PC version, while the PS3 only runs the game at around 20-30fps". This alone will separate the two console versions by miles. Though id software has stated they expect all platforms to run at 60fps by end of development, I have my doubts. Record shows most Multi-platform games tend to run and look better on the Xbox 360. But rage to run at a full 60fps at 720p is simply a glimpse into the future.

In high-in-sight Rage is a first of its kind. To have a game that runs and looks as smooth as Rage this gen running a solid 60fps is a treat to say the least. Rage is truly ahead of its time, the first of its kind and Xbox 360 owners are in for a treat.  Hopefully the PS3's frame rate issues can be addressed before launch later this year. No doubt 60fps will be standard for next generation of consoles at the least.

id Software最新FPS游戏Rage基于本时代的图像技术和其他技术开发的,得益于xbox 360强大的性能和友好的开发环境,使得Rage运行在xbox 360上看上去就像是个下时代游戏。

大神卡马克介绍Xbox 360的Rage将和PC一样,运行在60帧,而ps3则很可怜的只有20-30帧。

看来神机继孤岛2跨平台失败后, RAGE也不可避免了, 只有期待战地3了.

[ 本帖最后由 tripx 于 2011-5-26 13:40 编辑 ]

  • open-ps 激骚 +1 最骚 Rated by wap for mark 2011-5-28 15:58


原帖由 beboys 于 2011-5-26 13:20 发表
我只是转贴, 如果考验了你的智商, 我不负责.

另外, 地址给了, 日期是昨天发的.

