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[新闻] 严禁展示Wii主机!目的是防止抢购引发混乱?


    北美大型连锁零售商Best Buy的一位经理日前向媒体透露,他们接到总部指示,在圣诞期间严禁在店内公开展示任天堂的Wii主机以避免大规模抢购情况发生。据称,BestBuy的店员们现在不得不口头向有意购买Wii的消费者传达Wii的到货情况。

    就在2007年圣诞节前的一周时间,包括Best Buy、Circuit City和Toy “R” Us在内的许多美国大型零售商都幸运地获得了年底前最后一批大规模Wii主机供货。但奇怪的是,零售商们却不敢大张旗鼓地宣传Wii到货的喜讯,甚至不敢向消费者展示Wii主机。

    在巴尔的摩的Best Buy,总经理Dave Wolf却向当地媒体透露,为了防止Wii上架的消息传出后引发大规模抢购局面发生,他们已经不敢在店内打出Wii到货的广告,更不敢公开展示主机,而只能要求店员们在店内四处溜达,向那些有意购买Wii的消费者口头传达Wii的到货情况。

    另外一家Best Buy的经理也向记者表示,他们也接到指示不要在店内公开展示Wii主机以避免出现混乱的抢购局面。他甚至透露说,现在大多数Best Buy零售店在Wii到货后的做法普遍是默而不宣偷偷贩卖,据称这样做的目的一方面是为了保护消费者,同时也是为了保证店铺和店员的安全。

    更有意思的是,这位Best Buy的经理还表示,许多消费者已经对在圣诞期间买到一台Wii感到彻底绝望,在听到店员们说有主机到货的消息后都感到难以置信。一位店员告诉记者,当他对一位前来购机的妇女说今天有Wii到货后,立刻获得了一个热烈的拥抱,这位女性甚至还坚持要送给他自己制作的蛋糕以示感激。


[ 本帖最后由 tansung 于 2007-12-27 15:54 编辑 ]



Best Buy stores refuse to display Wiis to avoid mob scene

On the weekend before Christmas Day, many retailers across the country, including Best Buy, Circuit City, and Toy “R” Us, were lucky enough to receive a shipment of Nintendo Wiis to the delight of last-minute shoppers.

Depending on the store, some retailers reportedly received 40 to 60 Wiis on Christmas Eve. Others received a shipment over the weekend, but in both cases, the console sold quickly and almost as soon as it became available.
At a Best Buy store near Baltimore, General Manager Dave Wolf told the Baltimore Sun that they enforced a policy of not displaying any Wiis to the customers to avoid a mob scene. Instead, employees walked around the store telling people that they were available.

According to another Best Buy manager, when they receive a shipment of Wiis, it’s common for the store to practice this policy and not announce the availability of the Wii over the intercom for the safety of the customers and employees.

Most customers, however, lost all hope in finding a Wii in time for Christmas and thought that they were joking when told that they had them. When one Best Buy employee told a woman that the Wii was available, she reportedly began hugging him and offered to bring him crab cakes.

For those who walked out empty-handed and without a Wii this Christmas, the retailers don’t have a specific answer to when they’ll have more, other than, “Check back periodically.”


原帖由 猫猫猫 于 2007-12-27 16:09 发表
卧槽 果然是真的 bestbuy网上已经全面断货鸟


Nintendo Wii Console
Free Ship - No Tax - Official limit 3/hshld/acct - VERY HOT! Goes FAST! Be Prepared. Keep C.Card in acct. Our Cell Alerts make this so EASY you'll jump in JOY!
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Console
Pretty good deal. But seems clueless about their own stock sometimes. No guarantees!
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Console
Check Website with your Zipcode - Might have local pickup. Has been VERY rare online lately. Get the Bundle below and return what you don't need. Easy and Much more Frequent!
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundle
Useful bundle - You need Extra Remote, Nunchuk for 2 player play anyways - Bundle components returnable in store, keep what you want, return what you dont!
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Console
Kmart/Sears inventory system poor. You might get false alerts, but we do filter them quite well. Sears/Kmart is a Problem Retailer
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundle
Might need membership. Costco can have ridiculously low inventory sometimes. No guarantees you'll grab one!
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundles
Various bundles. Does get stock occasionally. Target is a Problem Retailer
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Console
Occasionally comes in stock.
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundles around $400-$480
You want a Bundle? You get a Bundle.
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundles around $600
Big Bundles.. Getting sold out pretty fast too, get what you can!!
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundles Priced 380-450
Various Bundles priced between $380 and $450
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundles Priced 450-580
Various Bundles priced between $450 and $580
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundle
Big Bundle. Don't try to get just the Console. Order fulfillment has been spotty, Don't count your Chickens until the NewEgg hatches.
Out of stock
Nintendo Wii Bundles
Expensive Bundle. Can return games in store for store credit, lots of reports of success with returns. so this might be the ticket to a Wii under the Tree! Check for 5-10 minutes. Status fluctuates.
In stock
Nintendo Wii Bundle
Alert DISABLED - It's only preorder now. We'll update website only now. Expensive bundles. But everything is getting sold, it's the Holidays! You can return games in the store.
Nintendo Wii Bundle
Need to pick 10 games. Might not have 10 games in stock?!! Goes to show why Compusa should be put out of it's misery sooner rather than later!
Out of stock

[ 本帖最后由 tansung 于 2007-12-27 16:57 编辑 ]

