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[新闻] 星际争霸2 IGN评分出炉~~~~~~~~~


Rating        Description
out of 10        Click here for ratings guide
10        Presentation
Incredibly high production values throughout, from the cut-scenes to the interface and menus across campaign and multiplayer modes.
9.0        Graphics
Looks great on ultra if you've got the power to handle it, and will run on a wide variety of systems.
9.0        Sound
The slashes and booms of combat make battle more exciting, and an appropriately epic score backs up the action. Also the Hyperion jukebox is worth listening to.
9.0        Gameplay
A great variety of mission types in the campaign, and a meticulously designed and balanced set of units and abilities for multiplayer.
9.5        Lasting Appeal
Play against AI foes, replay the campaign, and spent endless hours online in ranking matches. Then if you're bored, check out all the custom content.

