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Halo 5数字版预载重要通知

posted by wap, platform: Windows
We know you’re excited to finally get your hands on Halo 5: Guardians on October 27, and we wanted to make sure you’re ready to jump in right away. If you’ve digitally pre-ordered Halo 5: Guardians on your Xbox One before September 21 and are NOT using Instant On power mode, you may still have an incorrect “stub file” for the title, which is simply a placeholder file. Players that have this particular version of the stub file will be required to delete it, and reinstall the title.

If you’ve pre-ordered on or after September 21, you should be ready to download the necessary updates as they become available. Once these updates have been installed, you’ll then be able to play Halo 5: Guardians. If you’re unsure if you’ve got this particular stub file, here’s how you can check:

- Go to My games & apps
- Sort your game collection by selecting Installed à Sort by size
- If your Halo 5: Guardians game size is greater than 40 GB, you’ve got the correct version, and you’re ready to download the necessary updates when they become available.
- If your Halo 5: Guardians game size is less than 40 GB, you’ve got an incorrect stub file, and will need to delete that version and reinstall the game.

For information on reinstalling games on the Xbox One, head here: https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-.../install-games

While we anticipate this affecting a small number of players, we want to ensure everyone is ready to play come launch day. For all updates on Halo 5: Guardians, stay tuned to Halo Waypoint and @Halo on Twitter. See you online, Spartans!

简单翻译: 如果在21号前预载并且没打开instant on功能的话,有可能需要重新下载一遍. 检查是否需要重新下的方法是查看halo的安装大小,如果超过40g就没问题. 我的是46.1g



posted by wap, platform: iPhone
原帖由 @苦中苦  于 2015-10-23 12:34 发表
instant on是哪个功能,怎么看下载后的大小,我已经预载了
能关机自动下载那个就是instant on.打开后每次开机不会出现xbox标题

