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[业评] 【你也可以在LIVE上发布自己制作的游戏了】XNA Game Studio 2.0出了……



Make sure you can see the Solution Explorer for your project on the right side of the window. If you cannot see it, click the View menu, and then click Solution Explorer. When it appears, you will see files associated with your project in a tree structure.
Inside the tree, you will see a node named Content. Right-click this node, click Add, and then click Existing Item. Browse to your graphic. If you can't see any files, make sure you change the Files of type selection box to read Texture Files. Click the graphic file, then click Add. An entry for the graphic file will appear in Solution Explorer.
When you add a graphic file, it is automatically added to the XNA Framework Content Pipeline, which will allow you to quickly and easily load the graphic into your game.
Click the entry for the graphic in the Solution Explorer. If you do not see the entry, ensure the Content node is expanded by clicking the small plus sign (+) to the left of the node, then click on the entry that appears underneath the Content node.
In the Properties window below Solution Explorer, look for the "Asset Name" property. Note the name; you'll use it in your code to load the graphic so it can be displayed in your game. If the Properties window is not visible, press F4, or click the View menu, and then click Properties Window.
Now, you must write code that loads and displays the sprite on the screen. You can use the instructions in How To: Draw a Sprite, or follow along here.

