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Vassilis Spanoulis 表示他不会回到火箭,他的经纪人 Miodrag Raznatovic 说他们自赛季结束后已有10次告诉火箭说他不会回来。Spanoulis 说由于“私人问题”和“家庭原因”,他只想留在希腊打球,而不会为火箭或欧洲的其他球队打球。Raznatovic 则说“开始的问题在于他和 Jeff Van Gundy 之间,现在的问题不是那样。他无法适应美国式生活,‘我活不下去了,我必须待在家里。’”

Raznatovic 最近一个半月一直试图说服火箭,还透露 Spanoulis 已卖了汽车和房子等,并强调这与钱或上场时间都无关,“他不会回来了,我就奇怪他们(火箭)为什么就理解不了这个呢。他说,‘我在那里无法生活,我原以为我可以的,当初签合同的时候我非常高兴,但是8个月,10个月后,我再也不想再在那里过一秒钟。’”

Spanoulis 还决定偿还火箭去年替他买断合同所花费的35万美元,目前他与火箭的合同剩余两年320万。
——hoopCHINA 流言板

Spanoulis says he won't return to Rockets

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

Spanoulis said Wednesday that he and his agent have told the Rockets many times he will not leave Greece for a second season in the NBA, or to play for another team in Europe.

Rockets general manager Daryl Morey said on Tuesday that the Rockets still want Spanoulis back for next season and have no plans of releasing him from his three-year contract. Spanoulis cannot sign with any FIBA team, which includes the teams in the Greek league, unless released by the Rockets. Morey had no further comment on Wednesday.

"It's something very personal," Spanoulis said. "It's family problems.

"I'm not disappointed. In life, you never know how things are coming. Some things you expect when you sign a contract, you go there, something happens, and your decision has to change. When we are so far away from home, the culture and life and all these things are different. It's very difficult to know what will happen.

"I want to stay in my country. My hope is to play for one team in my country."

Spanoulis played in 31 games last season, averaging 2.7 points and .9 assists in 8.8 minutes per game. He made 31.9 percent of his shot, 17.2 percent of his 3-pointers.

Spanoulis' agent, Miodrag Raznatovic, said he and Spanoulis have told the Rockets 10 times since the end of the season that Spanoulis will never return to play for the Rockets and that nothing would change his mind.

"He told them 10 times 'I am not coming back,' " Raznatovic said. "In the beginning it was between him and Jeff Van Gundy. Now it is not. He didn't adjust to the American way of living. 'I cannot survive. I must stay at my home.' I do not understand how they cannot understand. It's something serious.

"I've been trying for one month and a half to make them understand. This is crazy. Believe me, he sold everything, his car, his apartment. He is not coming back. I don't understand how they don't understand. He said, 'I cannot live there. I thought I can. I was very happy when I signed the contract. After eight months, 10 months, I don't want a single second more.'

"It's not about money. It's not about playing time. It's not about anything else. They could trade him to San Antonio and he could be the starting point guard, and he would he would say, 'No, I cannot.' "

Raznatovic said Spanoulis, who earned $1.8 million as a rookie last season, would repay the $350,000 buyout the Rockets paid Panathinaikos last season out of his next contract.

He said Spanoulis has told him he would not play for any team outside Greece again.

"They could try Miami, New York, L.A., it would not matter," Raznatovic said. "Maybe he goes to Spain and (would) feel different, but we'll never know. He said, 'No, no, no. I cannot leave Greece.'

"He is looking for an escape. He calls me every day. His mother calls me crying, saying, 'Get my son back.' This is serious. If they want to send a message to all international players that if (they) come and cannot adjust, they cannot go back, that they have to stay there like a slave, that won't work. If he comes back, what can he do? Can he be a good player? Of course not. It could be a disaster."

The Rockets have repeatedly called to try to convince Spanoulis to return, with Morey, Rick Adelman and Yao Ming each calling. But Spanoulis said his decision is not about basketball.

"It was very hard," Spanoulis said. "This life was very different. I expected it to be a lot different. I am very close with my family. I prefer to be with my family than to play in the United States. It is very difficult for me to make that step, to be away from them and live there.

"From the basketball side, I had a very tough season with Jeff. That year was 5, 10 percent what I had in my mind. Now this is past. I respect all the people there. I respect the new coach, Rick Adelman. I respect him as a person and as a coach, and the new GM and the people of Houston. But to me, I cannot come back."



Raznatovic 最近一个半月一直试图说服火箭,还透露 Spanoulis 已卖了汽车和房子等,并强调这与钱或上场时间都无关,“他不会回来了,我就奇怪他们(火箭)为什么就理解不了这个呢。他说,‘我在那里无法生活,我原以为我可以的,当初签合同的时候我非常高兴,但是8个月,10个月后,我再也不想再在那里过一秒钟。’”



原帖由 pennybonnie 于 2007-7-5 17:24 发表
美国 对 希腊 以后有的好看了.....

遥想上赛季 8得8说 秃子在处理 人际关系上很欠缺 就知道抱主力大腿 但是 8会处理那些边缘人物



