原帖由 蚂蚁大腿zyf 于 2008-7-4 16:36 发表 你发帖也动动脑子,F1都没这个油耗
Fuel Consumption The Veyron consumes more fuel than any other production car, using 40.4 L/100 km (6.99 mpg imp/5.82 mpg US) in city driving and 24.1 L/100 km (11.7 mpg imp/9.76 mpg US) in combined cycle[citation needed]. At full throttle, it uses more than 115 L/100 km (2.46 mpg imp/2.05 mpg US), which would empty its 100 L (26 US gal/22 imp gal) fuel tank in just 12 minutes 46 seconds[citation needed].
原帖由 井冈山剿匪记 于 2008-7-4 16:42 发表 看TOPGEAR那个测400公里极速的那个视频,那人好像是提过,速度一到差不多油也要空了,轮胎也到极限了。 不过不知道出发的时候油箱加没加满。