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[求助] 雷吉:次世代战争XBOX One垫底,WIIU是亚军

任天堂美国负责人雷吉在接受《西雅图时报》采访时表示,wiiu在次世代主机战争中将击败微软的xbox one,赢得至少第二名的地位,而对于xbox one依旧是垫底的第三位置。


“The dirty little secret is if you look at life-to-date numbers, between Sony and Nintendo they’d be pretty close in terms of PS4 vs. Wii U, with Xbox coming in third place,” he told The Seattle Times.“I think it’s going to be a three-horse race for the balance of this cycle.”

“We think that the Wii U has a long and vibrant life in front of it,” Fils-Aime added. “What it needs are games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros and Splatoon – those types of games that can really drive the installed base. We believe if we can do that effectively the Wii U has a long and robust life.”

