原帖由 liuyicheng 于 2008-8-22 17:14 发表 第一,BN收费是BLZ自己放的风,其实他很愿意看到用户能认可收费制度的。 第二,取消局域网LAN也是BLZ放的风,其实就是想学V公司,全面的线上认证和线上作战,尽可能增大收入。
UGO Diablo III Preview UGO also visited the New York D3 preview event that MTV has been milking articles out of for the last few days, and has done a writeup about it. The article content is content are things we have read and re-read since WWI 2008, and while it's nice to read it "just one more time" to really let it sink in that Diablo 3 WILL be coming out, two pieces of information are actually quite interesting with this article; Trading through whispers is the first one: The second important one is about whether or not Battle.net 2.0 will be free to play: Pricing for the game is still being decided, but don’t expect to pay subscription fees for access to Battle.net. Sure, there’s always the possibility that different membership tiers will be introduced later on, but nothing we heard during our chat suggested that the team has anything other than a free-to-play model in mind for Diablo III’s online play.
原帖由 liuyicheng 于 2008-8-23 15:35 发表 这样吧,新BN要是1分钱不收我送你套SC2+D3的中国大陆版好了。要是D3引进不能送你SC2大陆的限定版吧。 你要赢了的话别忘记找我要。