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[数码手机] 其实光是能够用TVUPlayer这一点,IPOS就已经秒杀其他系统好几年了

Another TV application for our PDA ...
When you double click on a TV/Show Icon its stream is launched in the selected player (CorePlayer, Windows MediaPlayer or TCPMP).

Since version 3.70, MORE THAN 1000 CHANNELS Links are provided from many countries.

Channels List per countries :

Albania 1, Andorra 1, Arabics 25, Argentina 7, Australia 9, Austria 2, Belarus 1, Belgium 22, Belize 2, Bolivia 4, Brazil 15, Bulgaria 2, Canada 35, Chile 5, China 22, Colombia 5, Costa Rica 3, Cuba 2, Cyprus 5, Czech Republic 3, Denmark 5, Dominican Republic 16, Estonia 3, Ethiopia 1, France 87, France (FAI) 51, Germany 47, Greece 18, Hungary 9, India 27, Indonesia 3, Iran 38, Ireland 2, Israel 8, Italy 57, Japan 33, Kazakhstan 1, Korea 7, Latvia 9, Luxembourg 2, Malaysia 1, Malta 5, Mexico 10, Netherlands 42, New Zealand 5, Nicaragua 1, Nigeria 1, Norway 2, Panama 1, Peru 1, Philippines 3, Poland 14, Portugal 7, Puerto Rico 4, Romania 3, Russia 17, Serbia 1, Slovenia 2, South Africa 3, Spain 33, Sweden 4, Switzerland 5, Thailand 4, Turkey 19, Ukraine 5, United Kingdom 43, United States of America 168, Uruguay 1, Uzbekistan 4, Venezuela 3, Zimbabwe 1
Total 1008 Channels from 71 Countries


这个spb tv也很不错,就是不购买只能看几个频道,但是效果不错,而且支持多平台,起码wm和sb都有,速度不错效果流畅,

