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[西甲] 本土黑老佛爷垒猴!欧洲媒体曝皇马3500万签下本泽马 即将官方宣布!

Published: Today

MANCHESTER UNITED have been rocked with Real Madrid set to win the race for Karim Benzema.
The Red Devils have been tracking the ?0million-rated Lyon striker since he made his debut in 2004.

Hotshot Benzema, 21, has smashed 43 goals in 112 games for the French outfit and his form has alerted United boss Alex Ferguson.

But Benzema's agent Karim Djaziri confirmed a deal with Real could be done later today.

He said: "Benzema will sign for Real Madrid tonight.

"For the moment nothing is official on the side of Lyon but he will join Madrid in exchange for ?0million plus bonuses.

"In the next few hours some details need to be agreed between the player and Real Madrid, in particular his wages and terms of the contract."

Real director general Jorge Valdano had earlier claimed a deal would be announced later today.

Valdano said: "We do not discard the possibility that in the next few hours, something could happen."

Benzema would be the Spaniards' fourth summer signing following the arrivals of Kaka, Cristiano Ronaldo and Raul Albiol.

Valdano also confirmed that it almost definitely will not be Valencia's talented frontman David Villa.

He added: "Nothing will happen with Villa over the next few days because Valencia have not changed their stance."



Real claim Benzema victory


[ 本帖最后由 kaldorei 于 2009-7-1 23:04 编辑 ]

