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[新闻资讯] 《虎胆龙威5》男星加盟重启版《终结者》

2014-02-21 08:00:00 2天前 Chrischi817发布 54 次阅读
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杰·科特尼( Jai Courtney)将在重启版《终结者》( Terminator: Genesis )中饰演凯尔·里斯(Kyle Reese)。

本月早些时期,波伊德·霍布鲁克( Boyd Holbrook)也曾在候选范围之内。但根据《综艺》的报道,在最后一轮试镜后, 杰·科特尼获得了这个让很多演员梦寐以求的角色。

凯尔·里斯是反叛军领袖约翰·康纳(John Connor)的父亲,在詹姆斯·卡梅隆 (James Cameron)执导的《终结者》中,该角色由迈克尔·比恩 (Michael Biehn)饰演,而在《终结者2018》(Terminator Salvation)中则由安东·尤金( Anton Yelchin)饰演。

在重启版《终结者》中,杰森·克拉克 (Jason Clarke)将饰演约翰·康纳,而“龙女”艾米莉亚·克拉克 (Emilia Clarke)将饰演其母亲莎拉·康纳( Sarah Connor)。

阿诺·施瓦辛格 (Arnold Schwarzenegger)也将回归。

本片将由艾伦·泰勒 (Alan Taylor)执导,预计2015年6月26日英国上映,7月1日美国上映。

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Terminator reboot: Jai Courtney signs on to play Kyle Reese

Jai Courtney has been cast as Kyle Reese in Terminator: Genesis.

Courtney and Boyd Holbrook were both tipped as candidates to play the human resistance fighter in theTerminator reboot earlier this month.

A final round of auditions recently concluded with Courtney winning the highly-coveted role, according toVariety.

Kyle Reese - the father of John Connor - has previously been played by Michael Biehn in James Cameron's original Terminator and by Anton Yelchin in Terminator Salvation.

The upcoming Terminator: Genesis will also feature Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor and Jason Clarke as John Connor.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to reprise his role from the first trilogy as well.

Director Alan Taylor's Terminator: Genesis opens on June 26, 2015 in the UK and July 1, 2015 in the US.
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