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[新闻] IGN脑瘫了吗?PS3版本DIRT评分来了!

9.5 Presentation
Without question the best front-end menu I've ever seen. Deep stack tracking is a nice bonus. Long load times and a lack of replay saves is the only thing that keeps this from perfection.
9.0 Graphics
Despite a fluttering framerate, this is the best-looking racer on Xbox 360 to date. Superb damage modeling and lush environments make every stage gorgeous.
8.0 Sound
What little music is in the game is catchy. Travis Pastrana does a nice job of narrating the career mode. Oh, and the cars sound wonderfully gnarly to boot.
8.0 Gameplay
It's incredibly fun, which is what matters most. Still, the cars lack weight, which makes a considerable impact on DiRT's overall feel.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
The single-player will eat up quite a few hours of your life and the harder difficulties are truly a challenge. It's too bad the multiplayer is poorly conceived and even more poorly executed

Impressive OVERALL


