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ZT 战神只有不到五小时的游戏时间


The most obvious criticisms are that the story is short and that the game is missing some of the features from other God of War games. The length (between five and six hours the first time through) doesn't really bother me personally, since the game isn't artificially difficult just to make itself longer, and it offers multiple reasons to replay it (I'm currently at over 25 hours all added up, between playing a second time -- where you get to keep everything you unlocked the first time -- and playing on God Mode difficulty, which is almost as challenging as in past games). I would have preferred to know the story was short up front, but assuming you're reading this before playing the game, you've got that advantage.

Where I find myself disappointed is that the game doesn't quite have the same feeling of showing you something new around every corner that the previous games did. Part of this is that the mechanics have been streamlined, so while you'll find things like the ranged parry system pulled off brilliantly, you won't find the ability to use your blades on grappling points, the Icarus Wings, Rage of the Gods, rope traversal, rope swinging, a fourth magic, etc. Also, things like swimming and tiptoeing across narrow ledges are underused, and only seem to be here because they existed in previous games.

