Enriched by its multiplayer element, the game allows players to see the bloodstains of other fallen heroes, and touch them to view how they died. Players can leave notes and messages for one another warning of tough spots up ahead, and can also recruit the phantoms of players that have died to help them handle challenges. Kajii says this system of strangers helping strangers came from a real-life experience of his, a time when his car was stuck on a snowy mountainside. Numerous stranded drivers all banded together to push each of the cars in turn, but Kajji couldn't stay behind to thank his benefactors, lest he end up stranded again. "I wondered about things like whether the last person made it home, whether I'd ever meet the people who helped me again... Maybe if I'd met them somewhere else, I would've made friends with them... Many thoughts crossed my mind," he said. "This occurrence of helping complete strangers was strangely very memorable, and I kept thinking about it for a very long time. "Demon's Souls is a game where you die many times, so I thought this idea of helping others would be a great fit. It's as simple as, ‘We all die so easily, so let's help each other out,'" he adds. "Unlike other RPGs, each player unfolds their own story, and each encounter with a phantom player expands and diversifies their experience."
原帖由 kid200002 于 2009-12-15 09:26 发表 当留言被评价后,留言人的HP会完全恢复。这是一个互帮互助的系统。 玩游戏前先看说明书吧,上面写的还是比较详细的。
原帖由 比卡丘 于 2009-12-15 09:31 发表 [posted by wap, platform: GoogleChrome] 系统预置的话,估计死在这里次数太多了 :D
原帖由 gyfsgm 于 2009-12-15 14:32 发表 第一次在地上看到留言,上面写着这里有隐藏宝箱。然后我被天下掉下来的石头压死了。