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[音响] 玄学~南开米饭论jitter哲学问题

SUMMARY: My thoughts on jitter are pretty simple:

It doesn't matter how a digital audio file is stored or if lossless compression is used. A file played back on a PC, network file server, portable flash-based player, WAVE, FLAC, etc. are all the same with respect to jitter at the file level. It's what happens later in the playback process that matters.

Many devices exist which effectively reduce playback induced jitter to very likely inaudible levels. If you're worried about jitter it's easy enough to choose one of these devices--especially ones that back up their marketing claims with some actual valid test results (like Benchmark, Anedio, etc.).

If you’re worried about jitter, choose a device that has been independently tested for jitter with similar jitter spectrums to those shown in this article. Look for sidebands and “spread” under –110 dBFS.

Jitter present on recordings, from the A/D process, is a more serious problem and cannot be removed by any playback hardware.

