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三星Note7進行電池加壓測試 又爆了

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/scien ... pplied-battery.html

'Any pouch cell lithium-ion battery on any phone subjected to a heavy load will puncture over time, causing an internal short circuit,' said Jan Geder, Head of Laboratory at Applied Energy Hub in Singapore, where the test was carried out.

'We are certain that the same test applied on any lithium-ion battery in any phone will yield very similar results given the sufficient mechanical pressure applied; not just the Note7.

'During the test, a blunt nail was pressed directly on the battery while the rear part of housing was removed before.

'We emphasize that it is highly unlikely that the conditions of this test can be achieved under regular phone use,' said Jan Geder, Head of Laboratory, Applied Energy Hub in Singapore.


