it's curious that we've yet to see this artifacting occur outside of this particular cut-scene.
原帖由 NOKIA_N9 于 2011-10-31 01:47 发表 FP10本身就比FP16差着档次,LS居然能脑补就一个过场差,笑抽了,至于那过场里的XO版光效确实渣,过渡层都看出来了,另外光影的其他差别可以参考DF的截图对比和视频对比,都可以看出些端倪。 LENS和DF的跨平台分析绝 ...
The singular lack of focus on the Xbox 360 may have been cause for concern, but looking at the final versions of Battlefield 3, to the casual eye the two games are essentially interchangeable. Both of them render at a native 1280x704 resolution, letterboxed gently top and bottom. The showpiece lighting is a match in almost all situations, detail levels and LODs seem to be almost identical.
原帖由 NOKIA_N9 于 2011-10-31 09:08 发表 HDR、AA这种全程差距你靠你那写轮眼一句分辨不出差异就敷衍过去啊,笑抽了。 SSAO啊,只不过是深浅的差异,真正差距在影子效果,XO版又杯具了,比如某个截图的椅子背,明明两块木板中间有空隙,影子自然有空隙, ...