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[英超] 阿球王要完

[听写] 穆帅批评阿扎尔原文  由 只爱那抹蓝 发表在虎扑足球·切尔西专区 http://bbs.hupu.com/chelsea

"Eden is the kind of player that is not so mentally ready to look back to his left back, and to leave his life for him. If you see the first goal of Atlético you completely understand where the mistake was and why we conceded that goal. So I have to understand...

(Do you want to change it? Are you happy with it?)

"No. I just say that the perfect team at the top level cannot make this kind of mistakes. Normally in this game, if you go to halftime winning 1:0, the game is another game. Because Atlético have to chase that, the game. And we, with stability, we had conditions for more.

"So when the comments came from a player like Eden, it\'s normal. Because he\'s not that kind of player ready to sacrifice himself 100% for the team, for the mates. At the same time, I repeat the comments are even not critical.

(Are you happy he doesn\'t sacrifice himself for the team?)

"No, I am not happy.

(Do you need to speak to him?)
"I speak all season. I try to improve him all season.


