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索饭来黑一下PS4 Pro

原帖由 BigBangBang 于 2016-9-15 13:01 发表
posted by wap, platform: Chrome
记得之前看过篇文章,说SONY自己对4K蓝光的前途都没有信心。一是据说原生4K画质和插值4K区别不明显,可能等到8K出来才会有明显差距。二来对光盘反盗版已经丧失信心,希望全面转型付 ...
Sony announces its first Ultra HD Blu-ray player with 4K and HDR support

We're already in the 4K era: it seems like the majority of new TVs, streaming services, and devices support the higher quality video format. The de facto physical format for 4K is off to a slow start, however. The UBP-X1000ES is Sony’s first to support Ultra HD Blu-ray playback, with full 4K and HDR support (although Sony has yet to specify whether it will be using the HDR10 or Dolby Vision standard.) Along with the new 4K Blu-ray discs, the UBP-X1000ES also supports CD, DVD, and Blu-ray content, as well as the ability to upscale older 1080p content to 4K.

It’s important to note that the X1000ES is part of Sony’s ES series, the company’s top-of-the-line models designed for custom A / V installations, so Sony fans looking for a more middle of the road (and likely cheaper) Ultra HD Blu-ray player after the PlayStation 4 Pro passed on the feature will probably want to look elsewhere. The X1000ES is expected to ship in Spring 2017, with pricing still to be announced.

