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[业评] Jason对顽皮狗出手了

posted by wap, platform: iPad
也不算出手吧 有一说一

@PaxHamburgana I hoped so too, until after publishing various stories in 2018 and 2019 I started hearing from more and more Naughty Dog developers who said I could replace "Rockstar" or "BioWare" with "Naughty Dog" and it'd be just as accurate

I'm seeing people ask: "Why can't they just delay the game some more?" When crunch is part of a studio's culture, it doesn't really matter how much time they have. The only solution is to discourage workaholism from the top down. Naughty Dog has always done the opposite of that.

@WillowMelody @B_Nasty21 @PaxHamburgana I don't think there was no crunch on Spider-Man - I think Insomniac is just better about maintaining a healthy atmosphere from the top down. There are many different kinds of "crunch"

@NickPopovich I think the answer is that often the people aren't actually hurt, or don't realize how much they're hurting, or ignore the hurt in favor of the game. This isn't a "management vs workers" story - so many people at Naughty Dog buy into the culture, even if some later regret it

