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[新闻] 更多Wii U传言:硬件类似XBOX360

一个没有提及名字的日本开发商称任天堂的下一代家用机Wii U的CPU将是四核,3G,45nmPOWER PC。768M DRAM嵌入CPU,使其与GPU共享,GPU为40nm, ATI显卡。

http://www.vg247.com/2011/12/02/ ... imilar-to-xbox-360/

More rumored Wii U specs surface, hardware similar to Xbox 360

An “unnamed Japanese developer” has told Wii U daily that Nintendo’s next console will contain a quad-core 3GHz PowerPC-based 45nm CPU, 768MB of DRAM “embedded” with the CPU and shared between it and the GPU which is 40nm and ATI-based. Try saying all of that three times really fast while holding your tongue. The site’s source claims to be working on porting a PS3 game to Wii U, and that Nintendo is currently testing another version of the console with 1GB of DRAM embedded with the processor. As usual, just file this away for later use until Nintendo officially announces specs. Thanks, D’toid.

