原帖由 czc2004211 于 2015-10-9 00:33 发表 Prepare for the Future: Fallout 4 Important Release Info We’re almost there! In just over a month, the wait for Fallout 4 ends and you can finally explore its densely populated Wasteland on Xbox O ...
原帖由 supermetroid 于 2015-10-9 09:31 发表 posted by wap, platform: LG 这是看巫师3首发自带官中大卖眼热了,BioWare怎么就没这个觉悟呢
原帖由 靜川 于 2015-10-11 06:58 发表 posted by wap, platform: 华为 就巫师3大热,国内也就卖了5w的档次