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Michael Bay与Jason Statham分别否认参与拍摄变4

Michael Bay
I am currently not talking to Paramount on T4 and T5 despite reports. I'm looking at a lot of possibilities coming my way right now weighing options. Most likely going to be doing the low budget Pain and Gain, a true story crime thriller. It's a very quick shoot and quite funny. Also just finishing the 3 disc set of the Transformer trilogy.


Jason Statham
"You know, I don't know how those things start. You read them. Someone told me about it. [But] the internet is a dangerous place," Statham laughed. "There's a lot of stuff out there."

Not to say that Statham would be completely opposed to a "Transformers" movie: "I've got a lot of stuff in front of me, but Michael Bay is a talented man. This last one just made a billion dollars around the world, so people like his films. He's a talented man."

