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Parsons: DVD Format War 'Unfortunate'
Tuesday December 5, 4:56 pm ET

Time Warner CEO Dick Parsons Calls War Over DVD Formats 'Unfortunate'

NEW YORK (AP) -- Dick Parsons, the CEO of Time Warner Inc., said Tuesday that an ongoing war between competing formats for next-generation DVDs was leading to confusion in the marketplace.

"The format war is unfortunate," Parsons told an investor conference in New York sponsored by Credit Suisse, referring to the conflict between Sony Corp.'s Blu-ray format and the competing HD DVD platform championed by Toshiba Corp.

Warner Bros., a major Hollywood studio owned by Time Warner, puts out movies in both formats. Parsons said the conflict was confusing to consumers, and that major companies couldn't fully back a single format, which would drive costs down.

Parsons also said he didn't expect Sony's highly anticipated PlayStation 3, which can also play movies in the Blu-ray format, to have a big impact on video viewing habits, saying people were more likely to use the consoles for playing games.

Parsons also said that the release schedules for movies -- which are known as "windows" -- could be affected if current efforts to allow customers to download movies and then "burn" them on DVDs gain traction.

However, he said that the so-called download-to-burn idea, which is the subject of much discussion in the entertainment industry, must be worked out carefully with existing distributors of movies such as retailers in order to succeed.
PS3在产能不足的情况下卖得再渣也30多w了,HD Player多少...

