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[新闻] 星海四平台的新消息[更新!杂志更正情报]

http://www.oxmonline.com/article ... hi-ogawa?page=0%2C2

Ogawa: Star Ocean 4 [tri-Ace’s upcoming RPG*] is my number one recommendation (laughs).

All jokes aside, it’s hard for me to draw on a specific example from our own company, but if I had to choose it would be Valkyrie Profile. In many ways I think we took on a lot of experimental endeavors with this title. There were some rough edges to the final product, but it is definitely one of the most memorable.

[*Edit Note: The destination platform for Star Ocean 4 has not been determined or announced yet. In our first run for this interview, we mistakenly referred to the game as an "upcoming PS3 RPG." It has yet to be announced or confirmed as specific to any platform. Sorry for the confusion! Our bad!]

