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[新闻] 地上捡的《参考消息》,一篇文章深深的让我震惊了

posted by wap, platform: iPhone

http://www.computerandvideogames ... a-software-company/

Industry veteran Bing Gordon believes the hardware developing days of Nintendo are coming to an end, but the company is on the right track to becoming primarily a software company.

In an interview with GamesIndustry International, former EA COO Bing Gordon said that although Nintendo may not have many days lefts as a hardware company, it will survive as a software company.

Comparing to Sega's transition from hardware to software company, Gordon said "Sega made some missteps and became primarily a software company. Nintendo hasn't really made missteps, Nintendo probably has better creative talent and better leadership now than Sega did."

Sega turned to software development after a line of failures and missteps, but Gordon regards Miyamoto as "the best in the business", and as long as Miyamoto is still coming to work for Nintendo, the company can "sustain a proprietary platform. He's that good."

According to Gordon, Nintendo's main competition lies in apps and smartphone gaming, so the porting of portable games to apps, might be the path Nintendo should take.

Gordon can "imagine a day when Nintendo wonders - and maybe it's generational change - when Nintendo wonders if they ought to take some of their best games and make them apps."

He doesn't see Apple or Nintendo wanting to enter a partnership, as both companies enjoy control, but says a "partnership would be stunningly cool."

Gordon's wish may be a long time coming though, as Nintendo has already said they would not want to develop games for smartphones.



在GamesIndustry International采访中,EA的前首席运营官( COO) Bing Gordon表示:任天堂在硬件领域剩下的日子屈指可数了,但是任天堂会作为软件商继续存活。前面的历史前车之鉴有日本的SEGA,但是Gordon认为任天堂作为纯软件商的日子应该比世嘉要好过些,原因在于任天堂软件方面的才能比较强。


[ 本帖最后由 狗版锦江 于 2012-7-24 13:01 编辑 ]

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原帖由 ryuetsuya 于 2012-7-24 13:00 发表


posted by wap, platform: iPhone


Industry veteran Bing Gordon believes the hardware developing days of Nintendo are coming to an end, but the company is on the right track to becoming primarily a software company.

In an interview with GamesIndustry International, former EA COO Bing Gordon said that although Nintendo may not have many days lefts as a hardware company, it will survive as a software company.

Comparing to Sega's transition from hardware to software company, Gordon said "Sega made some missteps and became primarily a software company. Nintendo hasn't really made missteps, Nintendo probably has better creative talent and better leadership now than Sega did."

Sega turned to software development after a line of failures and missteps, but Gordon regards Miyamoto as "the best in the business", and as long as Miyamoto is still coming to work for Nintendo, the company can "sustain a proprietary platform. He's that good."

According to Gordon, Nintendo's main competition lies in apps and smartphone gaming, so the porting of portable games to apps, might be the path Nintendo should take.

Gordon can "imagine a day when Nintendo wonders - and maybe it's generational change - when Nintendo wonders if they ought to take some of their best games and make them apps."

He doesn't see Apple or Nintendo wanting to enter a partnership, as both companies enjoy control, but says a "partnership would be stunningly cool."

Gordon's wish may be a long time coming though, as Nintendo has already said they would not want to develop games for smartphones.


posted by wap, platform: iPhone
原帖由 @ryuetsuya  于 2012-7-24 13:05 发表

