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[心得] 利用Calibre管理ios设备上的电子书

Calibre是全平台(win、mac、linux等)的电子书管理软件,利用iOS reader applications插件,可以管理ios设备上的电子书,支持Marvin、kindle、goodreader和ibooks。


下面转帖教程。注意要安装最新版的calibre。windows或mac os x都可以。

Installing the driver
  • In calibre, choose PreferencesGet plugins to enhance calibre

  • Choose the iOS reader applications plugin (the driver) and install it.
  • Restart calibre.
First-time driver setup
  • In calibre, go to PreferencesAdvancedPlugins, search for iOS reader applications.
  • Click Customize plugin.

  • Select Marvin as your preferred iOS reader (obviously).

  • Click OK, then Apply to exit the plugins section.
  • Exit calibre.
Initial connection
Only one iDevice can be connected to your computer while using the driver. If you have multiple iDevices connected, e.g. an iPhone and an iPad simultaneously, the driver will not start.
You can only have one eReader device connected to calibre at a time. Disconnect any other eReader hardware (Kindle, Kobo, Sony…).
While connected to calibre, your iDevice will not sleep. This is to avoid unexpected disconnects.
  • Connect your iPad.
  • Start calibre.
  • Open Marvin on your iPad, then initiate the connection to calibre (from the cloud button in the home or library screen).
  • The calibre connector popup is shown, with a Disconnect button.
  • Calibre should recognize your connected iDevice running Marvin by displaying Marvin’s logo as the Device in calibre’s top menu bar.

  • After calibre’s jobs spinner (lower right corner) stops spinning, click the Marvin device icon in calibre’s top row of icons to see books in Marvin’s library.

  • To disconnect, tap the Disconnect button in the Marvin’s calibre connector popup.
Sending books from calibre to Marvin
  • While connected, switch to calibre’s Library view.

  • Select one or more books from your calibre library, then click Send to device or type the letter D to send the books to Marvin.

  • Books already in the EPUB format will be sent directly. If a book is not available as an EPUB, you will be offered an option to convert it on the fly.
  • The Jobs spinner will spin until Marvin completes the import process.
Deleting books from Marvin
  • While connected, switch to calibre’s Device view.

  • Select one or more books, then click Remove books in the icon bar.

  • The Jobs spinner will spin until Marvin completes deleting the selected books.
Editing collection assignments manually
  • If you have assigned books to collections in Marvin, they will be displayed in calibre’s Device window in the Collections column.

  • You can edit a book’s collection assignments from calibre’s UI by editing the collections in calibre’s Device window.

  • After updating collection assignments for a book, the Jobs spinner will spin until Marvin completes updating the collection assignments.
  • You may also specify a new collection name, adding the book to a new collection in Marvin.
  • Collections are comma-separated. If you specify more than one collection, separate them with a comma. Collection names may not have commas in them.
The driver allows you to use special collections called NEW, READ and READING LIST. Setting these values as collection names in calibre will cause the new flag (red), read flag (blue) and reading list flag (green) to be set in Marvin.
Replacing books and updating metadataIn the plugin’s configuration window, you have 3 options to choose from when sending books from calibre that already exist in Marvin:
  • Do nothing - the driver will skip books that already exist in Marvin. This is the default setting.
  • Replace - this will overwrite books that exist in Marvin. All your highlights, notes, Deep View, etc… will be overwritten (lost) too.
  • Update metadata - the metadata of the books (including covers) that exist in Marvin will be refreshed. Specifically, any differences between Marvin’s metadata and calibre’s metadata will cause the driver to update Marvin’s metadata to match calibre’s metadata. The following fields are refreshed:
  • Book title.
  • Title sort.
  • Author.
  • Author sort.
  • Publisher.
  • Date published.
  • Series, number.
  • Subjects/tags.
  • Collection assignments.
  • Cover image.
Creating a custom column for collections assignment (this is an advanced option)In the driver’s Configuration dialog, you may specify none, one or several custom columns as sources for collection assignments.
To create a custom column source for collections:
  • PreferencesInterfaceAdd your own columns.

  • Add custom column.
  • Lookup name: collections
  • Column Heading: Marvin collection assignments
  • Column type: Comma separated text, like tags, shown in the browser (this is an example, you may also use one of the other supported column types).

  • Add the custom column and restart calibre.
  • Now you’ll notice that there’s the column in your calibre library:

  • Now it’s time to tell the driver to use that new column for collection assignments. Initiate the calibre connection in Marvin.
  • Click the down arrow next to the Marvin icon in the calibre UI.
  • Click Configure this device.

  • Select the Marvin Options tab.
  • In the Collections group box, enable Marvin collection assignments.
  • You don’t need to restart calibre after making this change, so just click OK.

  • In the Collections column for the book you want to add to Marvin, add the collection assignments, separated by commas.
  • Send the book to Marvin.
  • After the Jobs spinner stops, exit calibre connection mode in Marvin.
Custom column types:
There are three types of custom columns supported that can contain collection information:
  • Comma-separated text, like tags, shown in the browser.
  • Text, column shown in the tag browser.
  • Text, but with a fixed set of permitted values.

[ 本帖最后由 kingcai 于 2013-11-13 11:10 编辑 ]



Marvin XD

[ 本帖最后由 kingcai 于 2013-11-13 11:21 编辑 ]


原帖由 美脆皮 于 2013-11-13 17:30 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone


