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[新闻] 微软TGS07预发布会|NG2、AC6确定XO独占 3A新作

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[ 本帖最后由 HalaEspanol 于 2007-9-12 15:02 编辑 ]


9:15: Sakaguchi takes the stage. The users in the back cheer the loudest when he takes the stage. He jokes that its very American their cheers, and he likes it (laughs); Lost Odyssey is almost done and he has the game with him today. He's about to show a scene from the start of the game, very low key -- but he wants to show the flavor of Lost Odyssey. Cut to game footage (that we can't film).

9:14: He's saying some of you might have been worried at the lack of announcements out of e3 of new games, but today he can say with great confidence about the future of the 360 in Japan he is going to show the games to prove it to us today.

9:12: President of Microsoft Japan is on stage, saying here are developers and press here today, but also 50 users -- they wanted to involve the community in this event. They are watching from the balcony tonight; he points back and they cheer.

9:10: Lights are now dark and the music fades...the show is starting

9:09: Music still pumping as the lights dim...

9:06: I'm guessing they will want to hype Halo 3 up a bit, but as shooters aren't the biggest thing in Japan, it probably won't be the focus. I'm hopeful they will show some of the Tri-Ace game we saw screens of last year, Infinite Undiscovery.


9:30: Uh oh! Dead! ALL DEAD! The boss killed 'em all. Sakaguchi appologizes as everyone laughs and the demo ends. Launch date for the game is December 6 in Japan.

9:27: Flashback time! Hero is naked? Looking at some kind of magical spire -- paging Dr. Freud. The dream sequence ends and its back to the cliff for more pic in pic storytelling. Our hero's two companions -- one is a black girl, looks like a hunter of sorts uses swords, the other is a magic user of some kind. A giant griffon looking boss approaches and attacks! Dramatic boss battle music is booming!

Sakaguchi attacks with timed circle sword attacks as before, the boss counters by charging and swipes with 'poison claw' attack, which infects two of the members -- the magic user dies. He's in trouble with the other two.

9:26: Finally he makes it up the side of the cliff...and to...another cliff! It's not raining any more at least. Another cutscnee begins; sounds like one of the characters has caught a cold. Game again uses the pic in a pic method to show close ups of char faces as they talk.

9:23: Game looks good, but simple with wind, rain, and fog effects. Back into combat. Back into combat. This time in the circles he must have timed it wrong, it says bad and he does no damage; he casts a powerful spell that makes everything go black and white. His character barely walks 5 more steps and he's in combat again. Game looks great but about the same as the last playable demo in terms of graphics.

9:21: Sakaguchi has said this demo would run about 10 minutes long, as so it has, he ends it. Onto gameplay. He continues walking the char up a cliff and enters into a random combat. He has 3 characters. As he attacks, a circle closes in on the enemy and then says 'perfect.' Looks like there might be some kind of active battle system, timed button presses and what not. Combat concludes and he continues forward.



9:35: Applause follows. Back to the MS head honcho. He says it's a February launch date for LO in the US/Euro. January for the rest of Asia.

9:33: There won't be a playable at TGS, but they will have an event in November with the voice actors and so forth, live orchestra, and they will have playable at that. They will have a trailer at TGS, though -- they are showing it now. Trailer is showing the hero grimacing as he remembers what looks like a girl dying. Now, quick action montage, guns shooting, whirlwinds and hurricanes, snow capped mountains, big submarine looking vehicles, GIANT bosses, a scene on top of what looks like a moving train, what looks like a giant Final Fantasy summon attacking a city and finally the title card.





9:46: And the trailer ends to...applause from the balcony!
MS pres reminds everyone that AC6 is 360 exclusive and will be playable at TGS -- it hits November 11.

9:41: And now, he will introduce the third party titles being made by Microsoft partners. First off, on November 1st, Namco Bandai will launch this game (trailer starts) -- it's Ace Combat 6. Trailer showing mix of cinemas and gameplay, including that little girl and her mom, guys playing cards, different cinemas. Top Gun eat your heart out -- enough missile trails to make a Robotech geek blush. When did Ace Combat start having Silent Hill looking cinemas anyway?


[ 本帖最后由 HalaEspanol 于 2007-9-12 12:49 编辑 ]


9:46: And the trailer ends to...applause from the balcony!
MS pres reminds everyone that AC6 is 360 exclusive and will be playable at TGS -- it hits November 11. October 18, also from Namco Bandai, is Beautiful Katamari, also exclusive to 360. Also, a couple Gundamn games and Smash Court this year, another third party game, from Koei--take a look....yup, its Dynasty Warriors 5 -- CG of a dude hitting about 10000 other dudes with a big stick. That one's coming in November and is playable at TGS.

AC6独占,今年会有几个高达游戏 ,355 TGS有得玩


9:55: New game exclusive to 360 coming next year. What is it? Trailer goes. Starts with a foggy battleground, filled with swords stuck in the ground, Ryu appears -- it's Ninja Gaiden 2. He has big blades on his hands and a scythe looking weapons. That's it, though, and it was all CG -- very short.

9:54: DMC4 coming 2008 - playable at TGS. One more game to go!

9:49: Other titles: Winning Eleven Pro Evo, Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft and games from EA and Sega by the end of the year. Devil May Cry 4 trailer up next -- it's brand new, showing new levels, a giant snake-looking creature, and a girl it looks like Nero is protecting. Now, bunch of different girls shown, including one that looks like the heroine from DMC3 -- short haired girl. What looks like a playable girl character is also shown...she wears a white one piece bathing suit looking getup, with a white bowl cut hairdo





10:02: Booming orchestral music sounds awesome, Ryu is fighting about 5 other ninjas. He chops off one guys head, and then chops his body in half before it can fall over. Blood is everywhere!

He's comboing and collecting orbs. After one encounter, he runs along the stage and over a bridge over the canal. His ninja magic just chops everyone to pieces -- 15 hit combo!

he swipes the scythe before putting it back to get the blood off it, and now he's running through a marketplace. Lots of fruit and barrels in the stands along side smash as he hits them. Yellow orbs float from dead bodies for him to collect.

10:00: This is real-time footage running on actual hardware, applause starts in the balcony once again. The Team Ninja logo appears. The director of the game will be playing as Itagaki narrates. Stage selection shows 8 stages! He says they are pretty far along in development -- Aqua Castle is the name of the stage they pause on. They were going to show a Japanese-themed castle but they had a little incident withe screens getting out, so they wanted to show something new, so they are gonna show Aqua Castle. Stage looks like venice.

9:59: But now with NG2 on the 360, it means they will be able to do things they weren't able to before. "As you can imagine, there's no greater thrill for a developer," he says. They've brought a build of NG2 here today! "Please enjoy the worlds best action game running ont the world's most powerful hardware," he says.

9:57: He says his goal with NG2 is to make the worlds premier action game, just as DOA4 was the premier fighting game when 360 launched, and remains the premiere fighting game to this day. He says he knows a lot of fans say the first NG was a masterpiece and flawless, but Team Ninja doesn't agree. When they were making the original NG they used all of their power to use every drop form the original Xbox hardware....as a result they weren't able to implement every feature they wanted to. There might have been 10 or 20 features they weren't able to get in with that hardware.

real-time footage显示已经有八关可选,看来硫酸面暗地里开始开发NG2不少时间了






10:31: "As you know Square Enix has strong titles for the 360 like FFXI and Sylpheed, but now we are announcing a fantasy RPG: Infinite Undiscovery." Developed by Tri-Ace. A huge 'ooooh!' from the 50 fanboys in the back.



10:33: English subtitles: a dying world....a moon that shines no more... Shows a hero in a cape and armor. Now, some gameplay. Running along a desert, avoiding fireballs in a dungeon -- very short trailer is over.
10:32: Square Enix will develop and publish Infinite Undiscovery. They have apparently changed the logo to look even cooler. Today, Mr Ogawa, the director of the game who was also key to the dev of Star Ocean 3, will be talking about the game -- but first a trailer.



10:38: More from Square Enix: The Last Remnant, announced in May.

10:36: Another keyword is 'full real time.' There's no transition between fighting and moving; it doesn't pause even when menus are open, ala Resident Evil Outbreak. There's a variety of other game systems that they will show over the coming months, there's apparently too many to show now. Development continues at a fast pace, but its not at a point where they can announce a launch date.

Ogawa thanks the audience and leaves.

10:33: English subtitles: a dying world....a moon that shines no more...

Shows a hero in a cape and armor. Now, some gameplay. Running along a desert, avoiding fireballs in a dungeon -- very short trailer is over. It looked solid but rather 'early' -- some frame stutters. Ogawa takes the stage to explain what the game is all about.

The key words in the development this game is discovery and impact -- an example is situation battle. The concept is to create a game where the situations change in real time and affect the game. For example, in a prison an ogre might be a friend or ally, depending on what you've done.


原帖由 jiayueqwer 于 2007-9-12 13:43 发表
估计有 等下载吧


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