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[新闻] 奎斯特大叔Really, Really VERY Short.....


God of War PSP: Really, Really Short.......

Here's my God of War: Chains of Olympus clear time. You can add on roughly another half an hour to this, as I played the first half of the game on a preview disc and then had to start again on the review code.

But even then, Chains of Olympus is still really short at just under five hours. I'd be a little more forgiving of this if the game was jam-packed full of holy-shit moments like previous God of War games, but it just isn't.

Yes, it's a very good game that perfectly replicates the feel of GoW's combat on the portable. But it's also hard to ignore that by the end of the game, any semblance of creative level design goes out the window, replaced with a never-ending gauntlet of big open rooms filled with enemies.

I'll write a full review closer to the game's March 4 release date, but for now: Know that it's firmly in the top tier of PSP products, but that it's also a bite-sized God of War in more ways than just the screen dimensions.

还有就是说尾声的时候 貌似开发组处理的不好

