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[新闻] Epic 副总裁 Mark Rein 再次確認 PC 版《虚幻竞技场3》11/19 發售,PS3 版發售日未定

http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/new ... h-Release-Confirmed

Update: Mark Rein revealed on the Epic forums that UT3 should be hitting Euro shops on the 22nd:

According to Midway the plan is to ship in the US on the 19th and in Europe on the 22nd. We don't have dates for the PS3 version yet but we're putting the finishing touches on it now and it is going to be great.

Epic 副总裁 Mark Rein 在官方論壇上確認了 PC 版《虚幻竞技场3》美國 11/19 發售,歐洲 22 號,而 PS3 版發售日仍然未定

[ 本帖最后由 s7912 于 2007-11-1 01:38 编辑 ]

